Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Over The Line {A Book Review}

**I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own.

Gabriella has never forgiven her former fiancé, homicide detective Eli Cavazos, for breaking her heart. Then a man she’s never met shows up at her restaurant, a bullet in his chest and her brother’s name on his lips. Gabby soon realizes this man is connected to a powerful ring of criminals who know far too much about her.

Against her better judgment, Gabby turns to Eli for help in finding her brother. When she receives a cryptic text from her brother’s cell phone, she realizes she is in deep and may be dragging Eli down with her. With her brother nowhere to be found and pain from her past threatening to overwhelm her, Gabby wonders how she will make it through this unexpected quest unscathed—or alive.

Taking us into the heat of Laredo, Texas, the secrets of a gun-smuggling ring, and the tensions on both sides of the border, Over the Line will keep you guessing until the last page.

Kelly Irvin is the bestselling author of the Every Amish Season and Amish of Bee County series. The Beekeeper’s Son received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, who called it a “beautifully woven masterpiece.” The two-time Carol Award finalist is a former newspaper reporter and retired public relations professional. Kelly lives in Texas with her husband, photographer Tim Irvin. They have two children, three grandchildren, and two cats. In her spare time, she likes to read books by her favorite authors. Visit her online at; Instagram: kelly_irvin; Facebook: Kelly.Irvin.Author; Twitter: @Kelly_S_Irvin.

Several months ago, I had the chance to read known Amish fiction author Kelly Irvin's first novel in the romantic suspense genre, Tell Her No Lies. While I had not read any of her previous Amish works at that time, I absolutely loved this particular book. So when I saw she'd released this one- another in that same suspense genre, I could not wait to read it. Over the Line did not disappoint, keeping me captivated from page one.

First let's talk about the romantic aspect of the story. Those who love a great romance will be happy to hear that there are actually TWO romances rolled into this one story. Both had me rooting for the happy ending for the couples... and I must admit I would LOVE to see a follow up based around the secondary romance featured in this story! I feel like there is still much story to hear there and while I loved both romances, I definitely wanted more of that one. The romances between these two couples is quite different: our main leads were previously engaged and learning to trust again whereas the others are just meeting... in less than ideal circumstances. Isn't that how love usually finds us? When and where we least expect it?

As much as I love the romance there, I loved the suspense aspect of this story even more. This story had me guessing all the way through to the very end. There were a LOT of characters to keep up with, which I'll admit made things a little confusing at times... but it also kept you guessing. Who was good? Who was bad? Who could we trust? Because we were introduced to so many players, it was hard to really pin down the inevitable whodunit. Just when you think you've figured it out, something else is thrown out there that makes you second guess yourself. I love that in a mystery!

This story does deal with two hot topic issues--- gun and boarder control. While it is noted in the end that the story is JUST a work of fiction and not meant to take a political stance on any side, I could see how this could be a little off putting for some. Personally, I didn't feel like it was overly political or bothersome myself, but it is something worth noting before reading regardless.

Overall, I thought it was a great read that will keep you reading through to the very end.


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