Monday, July 29, 2019

4 Ways to Fund Your Dream Wedding

Planning your dream wedding can be a daunting and challenging task, as it is important that you ensure your wedding day is the best day of your life. However, weddings don’t come cheap, and with the average wedding setting you back around £30,000, funding your dream wedding isn’t always that straightforward. When it comes to paying for your wedding, the expenditures seem endless and for most of us the price of our dream wedding is considerably higher than what we can afford. However, it is important that your wedding day lives up to your expectations and that you don’t deprive yourself of the things you want. Therefore, we have put together this guide on four ways that may help you fund your dream wedding.

Get a Side Hustle

One of the most effective ways to fund your dream wedding is to get yourself a side hustle. This is an extra form of income alongside your full-time employment that can boost your overall income. This may involve your current full-time job such as overtime or widening the work you take on, or it may involve something completely different. Finding the right-side hustle for you will depend on how much spare time you have and what skills you possess.

Make Cutbacks

If you want to have as much money to spend on your dream wedding as possible, then you may need to consider making cutbacks in other areas of your life. If you aren’t in the position to make more money, then saving more could be the answer to your wedding fund problems. For example, if you have a gym membership that you never use, or a Netflix account that rarely gets watched, then you should consider cancelling your subscription and putting that money in the wedding money pot instead. It may not seem a lot, but these sorts of expenditures soon add up over a few months.

Take Out a Loan

If your wedding day is approaching and you are worried about having all the money together in time to pay for everything, then you may consider taking out a loan to help you fund your dream wedding. This is a great way to get everything you want, as you can pay the loan back with the money you earn in the future. The loans provided by are easy to apply for and offer you the best loan deals available.

Reassess the Guest List

If you are set on having your dream wedding, then you may think about cutting back on the guest list. While at first it can be tempting to invite everyone you know to your wedding, you should consider who you really want to have there and shouldn’t feel guilty about reassessing the guest list and making some cutbacks.
If you have your heart set on your dream wedding, but are worried about how you are going to afford it, then by using these tips and advice you will be able to ensure that your wedding day is everything you dreamt of and more.


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