Week 3: Fellowship
As someone with social anxiety, fellowship can be a little hard for me. But in recent years more than ever, I have learned just how important it is. When my son was younger, we were unable to attend church for many years. Because of his sensory issues, he would panic every time we would try to even enter. We're still not sure what it was that set him off, but regardless of what type of church we tried- big, small, those that didn't look like typical churches- he was unable to go in. And so we had to stay away. I continued to grow my faith in other ways- reading books, online sermons, etc... but it wasn't until we found our church home that I truly realized what I had been missing. Can you be a Christian without fellowship? Sure. But fellowship can make a huge difference in our walks with God. It offers us people to pray with, accountability and of course, friendship.
For this page, I really wanted to find a way to portray that message--- we are better together. The 'Trail Mix' featured in July's kit had this cute little label that I had held onto. I like finding ways to use as MANY aspects from each kit as possible, and I'd loved the look of this little piece. When I started thinking about fellowship, I knew this was the perfect message. We- as a church- are kind of like trail mix, aren't we? We all have something to offer and might be just fine on our own... but together we have something even better.

Week 4: Heart
We are the body. We've heard that phrase and those verses many, many times throughout our walks as Christians haven't we? We know that each of us makes up another piece of that body with our own unique gifts and talents that we can use for God. In this devotion, it brought up the idea that collectively we are all the heartbeat of God. I loved this concept.
So, for this page, I wanted to create a simple page to remind me of that message. I actually used pieces from both the July and August kit on this page--- showing how perfectly the coordinate with each other. Again, this was a very simple page, but it is one that I can look at and easily remember this idea that I had really enjoyed in the devotion, just as it should.
Month 1 is finished and I could not be more excited to jump into the next 4. Want to join me? You can jump in at ANY time (with or without July's kit). The August devotional kit is now available, but expected to sell out quickly. Head on over to Dayspring to purchase yours today:

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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24