Saturday, February 10, 2018

That Grand Easter Day! {A Book Review and Giveaway} #EasterGiftGuide

I received this book from WorthyKids/Ideals for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

Let's talk Easter!

As Christians, there is no day that holds more signifigance than Easter, is there? Sure, Christmas gets all the hoopla, but the reality is, without Easter, we wouldn't have reason to celebrate Christmas either would we? Still, as important as Easter is, as a mom I so often find myself struggling to really teach my children WHY it is so important.

They know that Jesus died for our sins, and rose again. But the full gravity of what that means? That's a difficult concept to grasp. Even us adults sometimes struggle with just how big that is. Still, that doesn't stop me from teaching my kids at a young age what Easter is all about. They might not fully grasp it just yet, but it builds a foundation in them as they grow.

One way that I enjoy doing that is through fun books written just for kids. Today, I'm sharing one such book, That Grand Easter Day.

That Grand Easter Day! is a cumulative story that begins with the stone in front of the tomb and ends with a new beginning--the Resurrection of Christ. The lively narrative builds as it progresses, adding people, objects, and animals that may have witnessed the events of that day long ago. Little ones will love the repetition, which adds a pleasing level of predictability and helps to make the story of the first Easter more memorable. The upbeat, reverent story is accompanied by luminous illustrations which bring the story to life. This engaging picture book will be a read-aloud favorite at Eastertime and throughout the year.

We love cumulative stories in my house. These stories with their fun rhythm and constant repeating are a great way to help kids remember the story. They come to expect those first lines and are curious to see what happens next. It's also perfect for kids who are learning to read on their own as they see those words repeated over and over again. We had a similar style story that told the story of Christ's birth, and it very quickly became a favorite so I was excited to have a fun Easter story that was written in the same fashion.

More importantly, my daughter loved it. While Easter is still a little ways away, we could not wait to read it... she instantly fell in love. It beautifully sets the scene of that Easter morning--- from the guard keeping watch to the bunny that munched nearby. We read about the discovery of the empty tomb to the grand news that Christ has risen. It is such a beautiful story, and such an important one written in a way that kids can remember, enjoy and most importantly understand. This is certain to become a favorite in all Christian homes.

If you're looking for a great book for the kids' Easter basket this year, That Grand Easter Day is the perfect fit. It is available to purchase now at your favorite Christian book retailers.

And one very lucky reader is going to win a copy of the book for their family. Enter using the giveaway form below:


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24