Monday, January 1, 2018

Have the Best Year Ever with Paparazzi {A Giveaway Hop}

Welcome to the Best Year Ever Giveaway Hop hosted by MamatheFox and Rita's Reviews.

Start the year off right with a variety of giveaways to enter to win! There is no limit to how many you can win, so hop along and enter them all.


Each January as the new year begins, we all find ourselves hoping that the year ahead will be the best year ever. At least I know I do. Especially these last few years, when it seems it's been bad year after bad year. Still despite the negatives, I have chosen to look for the bright spots in each year.

One of the best parts of 2017 for me was discovering Paparazzi.

One of my goals at the start of last year was to try to find a way to help out financially in my home, and Paparazzi has allowed me to do that. Am I raking in thousands of dollars a month? No, I can't say that I do (though others certainly might), but I have made enough to help with the bills and groceries and help keep my family afloat.

Have you been seeing my posts about Paparazzi, and wondered what it was all about from the business side? Today I'm sharing just a few quick facts:

  • Starter kits start at just $99 up to $499... these include all the jewelry and business supplies you need to get started. 
  • There are no monthly order requirements. To remain a consultant, you must order 100 pieces in a year, which is pretty reasonable. If you choose to build a team, you DO have to order 25 pieces to receive team commissions for that month, but if you're unable too, you won't lose rank or anything like that--- you just simply won't receive the team commission for that month. 
  • There are no order minimums. Many companies require a minimum purchase with each order, but Paparazzi does not. It IS recommended that you order in multiples of 10 (as we receive one free piece per every 10 items in a single order), BUT it's just a recommendation. You can order just one or order 100. 
  • There are no website fees. Shoppers can shop your inventory OR your website with no added cost, helping you to make even more profit! 
  • New items every single day. In the past when I did direct sales, I'd have an influx of orders when new catalogs released and then nothing for months. Paparazzi has new items released every single weekday, excluding holidays. This means there is ALWAYS something new to shop and people are always coming back for the latest! 
  • 45% commission. As consultants we earn 45%- $2.25- for each piece sold. Now, that might not sound like much, but because everything is just $5, more people can afford to shop so that adds up very quickly. 
If you're looking for a way to bring in some extra income in 2018, or if you're just looking for something to do for YOU (meet new people, etc)... and Paparazzi sounds like something you might like to try out, send me an email at or message me via Facebook. I will be happy to chat with you--- no pressure.

It might not be the right choice for everyone, but it certainly was a great one for me, and I am excited to share more with anyone who is interested.

Not looking to sell, but want to check out the styles and shop? I'd love to help you with that too! Visit the links below:

Shop My Website.
Join My Group.

And I am giving one very lucky winner the chance to win 2 pieces of jewelry! Enter using the giveaway form below:

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.


  1. This sounds like an awesome way to be a SAHM and help contribute to the family finances. Like that they continually add to the choices and the commission is great! No minimum order means that you are looking for capital startup costs!

  2. I love the Who WOOD Of Thought bracelet!

  3. Happy New Year!
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com

  4. subscribe email: slehan at excite dot com

  5. I love earrings, and I really like this selection.

  6. Have a great new year!


  7. I love your jewelry!! Thanks for being such an inspiration!! <3 Happy New Year!

  8. It's great that this jewelry is so affordable. I did direct sales only once and LOVED it -- sold Arbonne -- but the price point was a bit high, so many of my friends could not order even though they loved the products.

  9. I would love some pretty jewelry to ring in the new year

  10. I love their jewelry! Always seem to find a new necklace that I cannot live without!

  11. This would make a great gift for my mom. Thank you for the giveaway!

  12. I could use some new jewelry pieces and these look great!

  13. The jewelry is beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24