Thursday, December 7, 2017

Give the Gift of Fandango {A Two Turtle Doves Giveaway Hop Event} #HolidayGiftGuide2017

Welcome to the Two Turtle Dove Giveaway Hop brought to you by The Hopping Bloggers!
Each giveaway has a value of a minimum of $15, however some are worth much more. Be sure to enter to win all of them because there is no limit to how many you can win. GOOD LUCK!


When your kids are little, shopping for holiday gifts can be pretty easy! That first year or two, they don't typically have much of an opinion, so some cute little toys and even some essentials are perfect. Kids aren't picky at that age and are likely to be more interested in the box it came in anyway. Once they hit about 3-4, they really start to get their own opinions and loves... that's the really fun age, when you can see the magic through their eyes, and the toys are still relatively easy to shop for. Once they hit double digits and beyond though, it starts getting harder. For many children, this is the age where they still like toys but are maybe pickier... or start moving on from them entirely.

So, now what!? 

Of course there are still video games and collectible type things of their favorite characters, but another great gift idea for those days when kids start outgrowing toys is the gift of an experience. Treat them to an adventure that is out of the norm but suits their interest. Maybe it's an annual pass to the zoo or a science center. Maybe it's a family trip to a theme park. Or perhaps it can be as simple as a trip for them and their friends to see a great new movie!

Today's giveaway can help you with JUST that! One very lucky winner is going to win a $25 Fandango Gift Card! Gift it to the tween/teen in your life, OR use it to take a family trip to see the hottest winter films (hint: Star Wars). Enter using the giveaway form below:

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  1. I love Fandango! I love movies so of course Fandango is the fastest way for me to find out what is playing at our local theaters :) Plus they do great free stuff with the big ticket movies, like posters or stuff! My daughter goes with her dad every other weekend so I always try to fit in a movie while she is gone :)

  2. My husband is dying to see The Last Jedi.

  3. A fandango gift card would be great for the holiday break.

  4. My son love movie dates just him and I!! We get all the popcorn and Icees!! :)

  5. My son loves going to the movies, this would be great to win for him.

  6. My family loves movies!


  7. I would love to win this and bring my kiddos to a movie!

  8. My kids would love this! They love going to the movies.

  9. Movies are so expensive. This will be good to win.
    Thanks for the contest.
    slehan at juno dot com

  10. subscribe email: slehan at excite dot com

  11. I love movies, especially in the theater like God and Nature intended.

  12. I haven't gone to the movies in forever. This would be awesome.

  13. Would love to see a movie for free! Lol.

  14. This would be great to win, we haven't been to the movies in a long time!

  15. This sounds great as there are a few movies coming that my family wants to see.

  16. Fandango comes in handy when you want to save money when deciding to go to the movies at the last minute.

  17. Thanks for the chance. I'd love to win.

  18. We rarely get a chance to get to the movies, this code would help a lot with that!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24