Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Total Christmas Makeover: A Book Review #HolidayGiftGuide2017

** Book received for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.
"Jesus is the reason of the season."

We've heard this phrase time and time again, perhaps we've even been know to say it ourselves or have it displayed in our home decor during the holiday season. But while it's something we know deep down and strive to live, in the busy days leading up to Christmas we can find ourselves getting overwhelmed and lose sight of that in the midst of the holiday season.

We need to find a way to give our holidays a makeover so that truly can focus on just that. Today, I'm sharing a devotional that might just help, Total Christmas Makeover:

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Give your Christmas a makeover with this practical approach to help your family learn what it means to truly celebrate their Savior.
In the bustle of the Christmas season, it can be easy to get swept up in all of the things to do. But it's important to pause and remember that our priority should be to spend time celebrating Christ's birth and not forget to invite Jesus to his own party.
Christmas is far more than a celebration of an event from long ago or a modern holiday centered around shopping. Mindfully take time to listen to how God continues to speak through the Christmas story as the Gospel narratives centered around the birth of Jesus provide encouragement and revelation concerning the love of God and his wisdom for us today.
In Total Christmas Makeover, author and Bible teacher Melissa Spoelstra provides a practical approach for you and your family to turn your attention toward God's grace day-by-day as you prepare for Christmas. This 31-day devotional presents key scriptures, ideas to implement with each reading, and questions for reflection to guide you in rediscovering rituals, relationship, and rest to connect you more deeply with Christ this holiday season.

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This devotional offers 31 days of devotions that will help us learn to celebrate Christmas as we should- with purpose. While I wanted to save this for closer to the holidays and therefor did not read all the way through, I did read several devotions to get an idea to be able to share with you. I loved what I read so far! It is broken into 3 topics Ritual, Relationships and Rest with daily readings related to that topic. Each day offers a short reading with questions for reflection and even practical ideas to put it into practice.

If you're looking for a great read to help give your Christmas season a much needed makeover, this is must read. It is available to purchase now at your favorite book retailers. 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24