Saturday, October 28, 2017

Fiercehearted: Live Fully, Love Bravelet {A Book Review} #HolidayGiftGuide2017

**Book received for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own.
Several years ago, I stumbled upon a book by Holley Gerth called 'You're Already Amazing'.

I'd always dealt with issues of feeling not quite good enough and so when I read this book, it truly hit me where I was in that moment. In fact, I loved her words so much that even still to this day I have wall art on my wall as a daily reminder and even on a few coffee mugs too.

The thing I discovered with Holley's books is that it truly is like sitting across from a friend with a cup of coffee having an intimate conversation. Each book is personal and intimate and somehow always just what I needed to hear. Through the years I have come to look forward to each new release and today I'm excited to share with you her newest book, Fiercehearted:

A fiercehearted woman looks life in the face and says, "You can't beat me." She knows love is a risk but reaches out anyway. She chases Jesus with a tender, world-changing wildness. She never gives in, never gives up, and never lets go. Best of all, the potential to be a fiercehearted woman is inside each and every woman on earth.

In her most powerful book yet, beloved bestselling author Holley Gerth inspires her readers to become the stronger, braver, truer women they long to be by sharing personal stories of her own struggles and victories. As readers join Holley on this journey, they'll discover a freedom they never imagined could be theirs: the freedom to experience life, love, and faith to the fullest because fear can no longer hold them back.

For the woman who is restless or longing for more, Fiercehearted is an invitation to the life God has always meant for her to embrace.

Having been a fan for all these years, it's safe to say I've come to expect a lot from each new book. And I must say this one far exceeded those expectations. As I mentioned, reading Holley's book really is like talking to a friend. She is so open and honest. She's not one of those people that make you feel inferior because you don't have it all together, but instead admits her own struggles with each one of us. That makes this book so relate-able.

I'm not sure if I would ever consider myself a fierce person, I spend much of my time living in fear to be honest, but this book helps me want to and believe that I truly can do better, and that my fear does not get to win.

Do you want to see what it means to be Fiercehearted? This book is available to purchase now


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24