Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Woman Overwhelmed: A Book Review and Giveway #HolidayGiftGuide2017

** Book received for consideration. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own. 


  • bury or drown beneath a huge mass.
  • defeat completely.
  • give too much of a thing to (someone); inundate.
  • have a strong emotional effect on.
  • be too strong for; overpower.
If I were to be entirely honest, feeling overwhelmed is a feeling I know all too well. Running a business, blogging, having a special needs child, having a toddler, not to mention dealing with health issues on top of it all. Whew... is it any wonder I'm constantly overwhelmed? And in this day and age where we women feel like we need to do it all without help, I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get very tired of feeling overwhelmed by the stresses. My feeling of being overwhelmed feels very much like those first two definitions--- defeated and drowning in stress. Wouldn't it be great to instead be overwhelmed by the GOOD?

Today I have a book for you that might just help, A Woman Overwhelmed:
DiMarco pin 2

"A Woman Overwhelmed" is a phrase with which many women can relate. But what would happen if we could see the insanity in our pace and embrace our overwhelming God?

There is a reason they say that a woman’s work is never done— because it isn’t! As women, we often are overwhelmed by the demands and circumstances of life, resulting in stress, fear, worry, impatience, fatigue, frustration, and even depression. The truth is that we were created to be overwhelmed . . . not by life but by God! When we learn to be overwhelmed by God, the fruit in our lives goes from rotten to fragrant—filling our days with peace, hope, love, and joy.

In A Woman Overwhelmed, best-selling author Hayley DiMarco shares biblical insights and personal stories to offer a glimpse at the comedy of an overwhelmed life while encouraging us to discover the depths and heights of God’s love and power.

Be empowered to find freedom in becoming overwhelmed with who God is—by learning to focus on what we know about God so that we can hold onto faith even when it seems that all is lost. For it is when an overwhelmed woman gives up the mission of me and exchanges it for the mission of God that being overwhelmed becomes a good thing.

Choose to bask in the abundance of the Father instead of the abundance of life as his unfathomable depths can surely replace our fathomable messes.

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When I heard the title of this book, I couldn't help but think that it was a book written just for me. Being a perfectionist, I don't just stress over keeping up with a busy schedule, I also stress about doing it WELL. That leads to me feeling tired and down. When we're overwhelmed by life, it makes it all that much harder to truly let the power of God in! Through her personal stories and gained wisdom, she helps us women to realize that it's okay to let go a little.

If you are a woman overwhelmed, this is a must read book. It is available to purchase now at your favorite book retailers.

Become a woman less overwhelmed by life and more overwhelmed by God and enter to win Hayley's $75 Merry Maids Visa Card Giveaway to help lessen your daily load.

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A copy of A Woman Overwhelmed
  • A $75 Merry Maids Visa Cash Card
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on November 3. The winner will be announced November 6 on the Litfuse blog.


  1. The FB like button entry for your blog isn't showing up. I do like & follow you on FB as Sue Hull.Thank you for the chance ☺

    1. Oops its not your blog. Its the blog who is having the giveaway.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24