Wednesday, July 5, 2017

DIY Without Breaking the Bank: Tips to Crafting on a Budget

School image created by Kstudio -

"Why buy it for $7 when you can make it yourself with $92 in craft supplies?"

If you're a crafter, chances are, you've probably seen that meme floating around the internet, right? And chances are you probably found yourself nodding and laughing because... well, it can definitely be true! While DIY projects CAN potentially save you a lot of money, if you're not careful, you'll find your bank account dwindling, and your craft supplies overflowing!

So, how do we save on crafting supplies? Today I'm sharing a few tips:

  • Check Yard Sales and/or BST Sites. Thrift stores, yard sales, etc can all be great resources for finding craft supplies... oftentimes you'll find bundles of supplies that people are just looking to clear out for a fraction of the cost. I've gotten some great stamps and other miscellaneous supplies this way. Also, look for furniture and other items that can  repurposed. That old $5 coffee table and a can of spray paint can go a LONG way! You can also find BST sites for particular types of supplies, but you will have to watch for shipping costs on these.
  • Only Buy What You Need. Craft stores are dangerous. You walk in with the intention to just look and get ideas, or just buy what's on your list, and would walk out with half the store. Everything is so stunning and you're sure you're going to use it... but how many of us have supplies that are sitting untouched? I know I do! Make a list, and stick to it! If you're not 100% sure you will use something in a timely manner, reconsider purchasing. 
  • Coupons, Coupons, Coupons. One great thing about craft stores is there are ALWAYS coupons available. I never shop at a craft store without them. You can visit their websites for printable coupons, or pull them up on your smartphone in store. Some even allow you to use competitors coupons. 
  • Use a Discount. Many craft stores offer various discounts, such as teacher or military discounts. Typically, these cannot be applied to the same items you used coupons on, BUT will apply to anything your coupons don't cover. Check with your local stores to see what's available.
  • Check for Clearance. I've gotten some great deals from clearance sections, so I always make a trip over there anytime I shop. Again, keep that 'don't buy it if you won't use it' rule in mind, even in the clearance. Michaels also offers grab bags on occasion. These are just a few dollars and are stocked full of mystery goodies. 
  • Check Your Local Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree is especially great for kids crafts- pom poms, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, even felt can all be found for just $1. With a little imagination, there are even more craft treasures to be found! 

Are you a crafter? Do you feel like you're spending me than you're saving by DIY-ing? What are YOUR favorite money saving craft tips? 


  1. Clearance is always a great idea! I find great deals there :)

  2. We've had some great finds at Dollar Tree!

  3. Oh, crafting can be an EXPENSIVE hobby!

    I never thought about using a BST board!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24