Monday, June 12, 2017

Tweens Share Their Faith on the Go with The Beloved Life™ Travel Pillows {A Review + Giveaway}

**Product received for review. All thoughts are 100% my own.

With my son approaching 10 years old, I've discovered something...

Shopping for kids as they enter that tween stage can be tough! Many kids at that age are beginning to feel like they are too old for toys. Others still enjoy them, but the selections become fewer (or those selections that ARE available seem to cost a TON!). You want to get them something fun that they can enjoy, but...where do you even begin?

Today, I want to share with you a fun new product that might be just what you are looking for- The Beloved Life™ Travel Pillows:

We hope these Modern, Inspirational, and Multi-functional Pillows will COMFORT and ENCOURAGE you with their soft plush, vibrant, happy appliquéd designs, and encouraging messages! We've included a bookmark hang tag with the verse and a short explanation, along with a "Shine" plush clip to share with a friend. The cuddly "Pillows-on-the-GO" are designed for traveling, and include a shoulder strap with mobile phone holder.

I know, know... a pillow? That doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun for a kid or a tween, does it? But these are not your typical everyday pillows. What sets the BeLOVED Life pillows apart? Let's take a look:

The Style. Let's be honest- these are crazy cool (or whatever the kids are saying these days!). Each pillow features a fun design. My son instantly fell in love with the robot design, but there are several to choose from to suit each child's individual style. Boys can choose a robot, a fun lightbulb, or some camouflage looks. For the girls of course they can still choose any of those, but also have some more girly options like a crown, a cupcake or love. To be honest, there wasn't one that my children didn't love!

The Message. When I was a teen, my favorite verse was Jeremiah 20:9- But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. I wanted to live those words! I found a few shirts back then, but honestly found most of it was either for little kids- or adults. There was nothing super fun for those in between ages that allowed me to show my faith! These are perfect. On the back of each pillow you find a Bible verse... what a great reminder for kids and tweens as they go on about their days...or nights as the case may be!

The Convenience & Functionality. You don't typically think of either of these things when you think of a pillow, am I right? I remember when I would go to church camp every summer, I would have my bags packed and a pillow thrown on top. Not convenient at all. In fact, it was kind of a pain- it was too bulky to fit in the bags, and awkward to carry too. The BeLOVED Life pillow would have been ideal! The back features a convenient pocket that is ideal for a book, some treats, or as my son prefers- his portable DVD player. A quick overnight, you could probably stick a pair of PJs in too! And the strap takes care of that carrying issue--- just throw it over your shoulder and you are ready to go. The phone case is nice for those that have them, but can be used for other small items as well- an ipod, a throwaway camera, etc!

As you can see, there are many reasons to fall in love with The BeLOVED Life Travel Pillows! Want to see more? Check out the links below:

Shop the Website.
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And they are giving you the chance to win one for yourself! Enter below:

The Beloved Life Blog Hop Giveaway


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24