Thursday, May 4, 2017

A Little Jar of Prayers: Kids Craft {#NationalDayofPrayer}

Today, May 4th is National Day of Prayer! 

As you know, prayer is a topic that I like to talk about! When it comes to any relationship, communication is key... why would our relationship with God be any different? Prayer is how we communicate with God, and therefor such a vital part of our lives as Christians. It's also one of the most important things that we can teach our children!

So, today in honor of National Day of Prayer, we're revisiting a simple craft that can help kids remember to pray each day.

A Little Jar of Prayers

  1. Print off  and cut out this free printable.
  2. Use glue (such as mod podge) to attach to your jar. Alternately, you could save this step by using sticker paper...but I love the idea of using supplies that most of us already have!
  3. Cut a few pieces of paper into small slips.
  4. Each day have your child write down what they are praying for that day...something they are worried about? Something they are thankful for? Something they want to share with God? Anything goes! 
  5. Place those prayers inside the jar!

What other ideas do YOU have for teaching your children the importance of prayer?


  1. This is such a cute craft to make and have a Little Jar of Prayers for my kids! I will have to make this. Thanks for the idea.

  2. What a wonderful craft idea for the kids. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love this craft. I can't wait to make it with my Grandchildren. They are going to love it also.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24