Monday, March 20, 2017

Finding the Right Direct Sales Company for YOU {And Why I Chose Paparazzi Jewelry}

"I'm just not cut out for sales. I just don't have it in me!"

Yes, this is a statement that I have personally made many, many times over the last few years. Every time a friend would ask me to join their team, or ask why I wasn't selling a brand- like Scentsy or LuLaRoe- that they knew that I loved.

But here's the thing, as much as I loved these products and others, and I truly did- I'm cheap. I absolutely hate spending money on things that are not necessary, and so the idea of asking other people to do the same? Well, that was really hard on me! I just could not bring myself to be that person that was able to close the sale. Like I said, I make a horrible salesperson.

And so, for those who've seen my Instagram in the last few weeks, or who know me personally... it might seem like quite the shock to see that I've signed up for Paparazzi Jewelry!

For those unfamiliar with Paparazzi, we offer fun and affordable jewelry that fits in every budget. Every piece is just $5! Earrings, rings, bracelets... just $5! Even necklaces, and as an added bonus all necklaces include free earrings as well! Awesome, right?

I will write more about the fashion aspect of it all soon enough, but for now I bet you're wondering why on earth would I--- a self proclaimed non sales person--- sign up? For me, it just seemed like I'd finally found the right fit. And when it comes to success in direct sales, I think that's really the most important thing. Today, I wanted to share some of my tips for finding the right fit for you, and why I found Paparazzi to be that for me. My goal is not to recruit anyone- though I am happy to talk to anyone interested- but to help you make the choice be it Paparazzi or elsewhere that is right for YOU.

  • Find a Company You Love. First and foremost, if you don't love the products and the company behind it, it's going to be really hard to make others fall in love with it too.
    For me, I love fashion. I love styling outfits and finding that finishing touch to complete the look. It would take just one look at my overflowing jewelry collection to know this. The styles they offered were just my style. Check one.
  • Find a Company You Feel Comfortable Selling. Loving a product is not enough if you don't feel good about selling it. For instance, I love essential oils! They are amazing and I use them personally, so one might think that that would be a good fit for me. BUT I'm also a very cautious essential oil user and don't like some of the recommendations given by consultants out there. I felt that without being a licensed aromatherapist, I wouldn't feel comfortable making safe recommendations. That's just one example. With others it might be the price point. I may love a product, but if I wouldn't pay it myself, how could I expect others to be willing to do so?
    With Paparazzi, that wasn't an issue! Did I mention every piece was just $5!? Like I said, I am cheap and even I would pay $5 for a great statement necklace! I knew that this was a company that I would feel comfortable selling because I knew people would be getting a great deal for their money.

  • Consider Start Up Costs. Most direct sales have some sort of kit to be purchases when you join. The typical price seems to be right around $99, but some are more, some less. These kits generally give you everything you need to get started. Take a look at the starter kit contents and price and consider these in your choice.
    With Paparazzi, I loved that there were different options to better suit your budget. The kits start at $99 and go up to $499. When I signed up, I went with the $99 kit, which included 35 pieces to get me started. This is great for anyone who is on a tighter budget or who just wants to test the water a bit first. If you can swing it however, I would highly recommend going up to one of the larger kits... you get more for your money (though all are good deals), and will truly have enough to hit the ground running with your business. I was truly stunned at how quickly things were selling and in retrospect had wished I had gone a step up!

  • Consider Other Expenses & Inventory Requirements. Some companies require you to keep inventory, others you may do completely online. Consider which you prefer, space available and any reinvestment costs. Also think about any other equipment like shipping supplies, catalogs, etc. Don't forget website fees too, many companies charge a monthly fee for these.
    With Paparazzi, I again love that there are options. After your initial start up kit purchase, purchasing inventory is truly up to you. It is definitely recommended however as with an ever-changing inventory, you'll be more likely to offer customers something different. Still, if that's not an option for whatever reason, customers can also shop your website. Even better? There is no charge for your website! So, if you are having a slow month and have no or minimum orders, you aren't losing money on that! There are also no catalogs as inventory is updated daily. I did have to purchase shipping supplies, but searched for great deals and have been able to account that into shipping costs while still offering low cost shipping to shoppers. When you do choose to purchase inventory, there is no minimum purchase requirement as there is with other companies. Buy one piece or buy fifty, it doesn't matter. (Though purchasing in multiples of 10 is recommended as you receive one free random piece for every 10 you buy!)
  • Consider Your Commissions. Let's be honest, most often when we join these types of businesses its for they money. So, take a look at the commission. Can you earn money just selling on your own, or is team building the only way to go? Do you WANT to build a team?
    With Paparazzi, I make 45% as a consultant. That is $2.25 per piece sold.  Now, on paper that doesn't sound like much right? But let's say another company offers only 10%, you sell $20... you make $2. Another company offers 25% commission, on a $20 purchase, you earn just $5. With Paparazzi, a $20 purchase would be a $9 profit. Of course in those smaller amounts it may not seem like as much of a difference, but they add up. And with the cheaper prices, I've found more are willing to buy!Of course, there is the opportunity to build a team and earn additional money through your downline if that is your goal, but you can also make money all on your own too.
  • Consider the Quotas. How much must you sell a month to remain a consultant? What happens if you have a slow month- family emergency or the like? If I have a team, what happens if my sales temporarily drop?
    With Paparazzi, there are no month to month quotas at all for the average consultant. Take a month off and there will be no consequences. You JUST have to sell 100 items within a year. This includes the items you purchase for your stock, or website orders. At the price they are, that's attainable. Now, with a team that changes slightly. To receive the commission check that month from team sales, you do need to be considered an active consultant, which means 25 pieces sold. Again, not too difficult. One party a month could very well do that. But again, say there is that slow month... if you've made director, you won't lost that rank... you just won't get that extra pay THAT month. I personally loved this because I know that life happens! 
  • Consider the Variety. Are there a lot of options for your shoppers to choose from with items in varying price ranges for a variety of budgets? How often are new products release? Is there enough variety to appeal to various customers and keep them coming back?
    I sold Thirty-One for about a year and a half- two years, and I loved it. I still love the products and have a ton myself. And I did pretty well with it... twice a year. Every 6 months when that new catalog would release there was lots of excitement over the new and I'd get a bulk of orders to keep me active. And then just the random order through the year here and there. When it wasn't new, people grew bored with it... especially when every other consultant had the same things too. With Paparazzi, they release new items EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. during the week! There is truly always something new for your shoppers to see, and because items are limited, there's a good chance that you will have items in your inventory that your customers will not get from the website or another consultant. That keeps things interesting and definitely keeps people coming back for me! And again, at $5, they can afford to!

When I really took a look back at all of the reason I had not done as well long term as I would have liked or what I didn't like about others, I realized that for ME Paparazzi fit all those needs. And so I took a chance in hopes of bringing in some much needed extra income for my family. While I am still just getting started, I have to say that already I feel better about the opportunity than others in the past and am already having more success than previous ventures.

If you've read through this and think Paparazzi might be a good fit for you too, I would love to chat with you about it. Send me an e-mail, comment/message on Facebook, leave a comment here with your email. No pressure at all, again... I know that it HAS to be the right fit if it's going to be a success. You have to feel good about it, and being pressured into it does not accomplish that!

You can also learn more, or just shop my website here:

Or you can find my in stock inventory posted here:

If you've read through this and are ready to join a direct sales company, but don't feel like Paparazzi is a good fit, that's completely fine too. I just encourage you to take all of these things into consideration before making the decision that fits you best!

Are you in direct sales? What company are you with and what other tips do you have for anyone else considering starting? 


  1. Amazing jewelry sounds like a great company...great post thanks for sharing..

  2. What beautiful pieces! These look lovely!

  3. I love that everything is $5!! I was invited to one party but was not impressed with the inventory! Do you order your own pieces??

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