Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Keep Christ in Christmas with Shepherd on the Search Inspirations {+ a #DaySpring Flash Sale} #ShepherdOnTheSearch

**I received this product as part of Dayspring's Shepherd on the Search Launch Team. Post contains affiliate links. All thoughts are 100% my own. 

Now that Thanksgiving has ended, the Christmas season is officially in full swing. For many families, that means their favorite elf will be making its way into their homes from the North Pole. For my family however, that means our search for the shepherd is just about to begin.

I first shared about this fun new tradition- Shepherd on the Search- here, and now that Christmas is drawing closer, I cannot wait to get this tradition started. This is such a fun alternative to a mischievous elf causing trouble around the house, giving families a way to lead their children to see the true meaning for the season. But how will we be using our Shepherd? Today I'm sharing just a few inspirations I've come up with to get you started.

  • First and foremost, you'll of course want to start your Christmas search off with reading the book included with your shepherd. This will remind your kids just why you're searching!
  • Hide your shepherd at the piano/stereo. Start your day with your favorite Christmas carol, singing praises to God.

  • Hide your shepherd with a candy cane. When your children find them, share with them about how the colors and shape of the candy cane represent Christ. You can also find the story online and print this out as well.
  • Hide your shepherd with craft supplies to make a nativity themed kids' craft.

  • Hide your shepherd with old coats, clothes or canned goods to donate to those in need. Remind your children that the holidays are not just about getting, but about giving back too.
  • Pose your shepherd in prayer. Remind your children the importance of talking to God and pray with them.

  • Hide your shepherd with a Bible or story Bible. Enjoy reading the Christmas story together.
  • Hide your shepherd with ingredients to make salt dough ornaments. Create ornaments to give your friends and family as a reminder to your children about the joy of giving.
  • Hide your shepherd with a favorite Christmas movie and popcorn. Have a family day and enjoy!

  • Hide your shepherd with some nativity coloring sheets and crayons. 
  • Hide your shepherd in your Sparkle Box, introduce this other great Christ centered tradition to your children. 
  • Hide your shepherd near the baking supplies. Bake a birthday cake for Jesus! Have spare decorations laying around? Make it a party!

These are just a few of the ideas I've come up with to help keep Christ in our Christmas this season and I cannot wait to get started on December 1st. I love how this fun new tradition is going to keep with the fun and magic of other similar traditions, but truly provide the perfect inspiration to teach our kids the true meaning of the season.

Need more inspiration? Head over here to see more ideas and fun as the holiday season approaches.

You can pick up your own Shepherd on the Search at Dayspring!

Today and tomorrow ONLY (November 15-16, 2017), you can grab your Shepard for just $20 with the code SHEPHERD!


  1. Oh I just adore this so much more than a mischevious elf!! I think he will be our new Christmas tradition!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24