Wednesday, October 5, 2016

To Burp or Not to Burp: A Guide To Your Body in Space {A Bugs & Hisses Giveaway Hop}

Welcome to the Bugs & Hiss Giveaway Hop

From now until October 19, hop along to the participating blogs to find great family friendly giveaways to enter to win! Good luck!


**Book received for review, all thoughts are 100% my own.

My son- like so many other boys his age- loves gross things. Seriously, give him a good fart or poop joke and he's rolling for hours. In fact you don't even have to make it a joke, simply say the words. And honestly, he could make anything you say about it too. Poops, farts, burps...he's 100% boy!!

He's also 100% into science and space and loves learning more and more about it. So when I heard about the fun new book, 'To Burp or Not To Burp: A Guide to Your Body in Space', I knew that it was going to be right up his alley:

Of all the questions astronauts are asked by kids, the most frequent one is “How do you go to the toilet in space?”
This book not only answers that question, but many others about the effect of zero gravity on the human body:
How do you brush your hair in space? What happens when you sweat? What does food taste like? The best thing is that the answers are provided by Dr. Dave Williams, a NASA astronaut who speaks from first-hand experience. Written for kids ages 7 to 10, this book uses age-appropriate language to explain the different phenomena that astronauts encounter during a mission. The bright, colorful pages, short blocks of text accompanied by photos and humorous illustrations make this a very attractive choice for young readers. The opening message from Dr. Dave empowers kids to follow his example by believing in themselves and following their dreams.

This book truly is fabulous. Not only is it truly very informative, but it truly is humorous as well! Your kids will learn all about the body in space! For kids who love space, this is a must. Every child who loves space probably dreams about going there one day- I know my kid does- and this book truly does give them a real life glimpse into the good, the bad and yes, even the gross of space travel. With real life pictures and facts blended with comical cartoons, this book truly does make learning about space even more fun and exciting- as if that were even possible! My son loves this book- it's the perfect combination of all things he personally loves! This is a must see for every child who dreams of being an astronaut!

To Burp or Not to Burp is available to purchase now! Learn more and purchase at the links below:

And one very lucky reader is going to win a copy for themselves. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. Omgosh how cute!! My son would adore it!!

  2. This would be a perfect gift for my space loving nephew!

  3. This would be a really interesting book to read to my kids. They are always full of questions.

  4. I would love to win this for my nephews. They also find anything to do with farts or burps absolutely hilarious.

  5. I'd love to read this book to my great niece and great nephew :)

  6. i read to the kids all the time and then i am going to read and then pass it on

  7. My grandson loves to read about space so he would love this book.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24