Tuesday, October 18, 2016

DIY Popsicle Stick Pumpkins {A Kids Craft}

If you've followed my kids' craft posts for long you've probably noticed that many of them feature popsicle sticks! They truly are an inexpensive craft supply that can be used to create so many fun projects throughout the year. Today as we prepare for Halloween and fall, I'm excited to share another such craft-

DIY Popsicle Stick Pumpkin

  • Popsicle Sticks
  • Glue
  • Paint (Green, Orange)
  1. First prepare your popsicle sticks. Pumpkins come in all shapes and sizes so have fun with it. You'll want two popsicle sticks for the back, these can be used at length or trimmed to your perfect pumpkin width, or use mini sticks for a thinner pumpkin. After you've determine width, paint enough orange popsicle sticks to cover it. You will also need 1-2 green for the stem (you can also use minis for this if preferred). Allow to dry.
  2. Now comes the construction. Lay your orange sticks together in your desired shape (straight across or staggered for a fun look), painted side down. Take your backing sticks and apply glue to entire length. Add to back of painted sticks.
  3. Add your stem. Keep the pumpkin face down and glue to the top, green side down so that your desire stem length is showing.
  4. If you want to stick with a classic pumpkin to go more fall then you are finished. Add a magnet to the back, ribbon for hanging or leave as is. If you'd like to give it more of a Halloween feel, use paint, wood shapes or construction paper to give your pumpkin a fun jack o lantern look!

This craft is simple, but a fun way to bring the fall and Halloween spirit into your home! And it's budget friendly too! All of my favorite kid craft qualities!


  1. So fun and so easy!! Itd be even more fun to add a face and make it a puzzle :)

  2. this is the cute idea and anybody can have fun making these. i enjoy makiing this on a rainy day as craft that kids can make and it be memorable.

  3. (DIY Popsicle Stick Pumpkins {A Kids Craft}) Sounds like a cute and easy Halloween craft for those little ones to make for the holiday-


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24