Monday, August 1, 2016

If My Husband Would Change I'd Be Happy {A Book Review & Blog Tour}

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.

When you first get married, there is this feeling of such deep awe in your new spouse that you're pretty sure they just can do no wrong. Mistakes made? Overlooked. Arguments? Over quickly and forgotten about. But eventually that honeymoon period ends. Those little things that we once laughed off start to build up. the arguments may end but we sometimes don't let the little things go. We truly do start to think that if our husband's would just change their ways, we'd be a happier wife.

Do you ever feel this way? If the answer is yes, I have the book for you:

About the book: 

If My Husband Would Change, I'd Be Happy: And Other Myths Wives Believe (Harvest House, August 2015)

Like most brides on their wedding day, you no doubt were filled with love for your husband and the hope of a happy life together.

But perhaps today, as the realities of life together have settled in, those happy expectations are going unfulfilled. And it's tempting to think, "If only my husband would change, I'd be happy."

That myth is but one of many that Rhonda Stoppe dispels in her easy-to-read exploration of what it takes to experience a truly happy marriage. In the process, she addresses such important topics as

-understanding your husband's need for your unconditional respect
-rekindling the love that drew you to your husband in the first place
-refusing to believe the lie that you'd be happier married to someone else
-learning to be content in the midst of financial struggles
-thinking about sex from a biblical worldview
If you desire to rekindle the love and hope you felt on your wedding day, this book will go a long way toward making that dream come true.
Contains discussion questions and personal reflections at the end of each chapter.

Purchase a copy:

About the author:

Rhonda Stoppe is the No Regrets Woman. She is an author and speaker dedicated to helping women live life with no regrets. With more than 20 years' experience as a mom, mentor, and pastor's wife, Rhonda's wisdom and experience helps women discover significance in God and His specific purpose for their lives, connect biblical principles to everyday decisions, develop a loving marriage that others dream about, and influence the next generation by raising children with integrity.

I have been married for nearly 10 years, and throughout our marriage we have experienced our fair share of highs and lows. We've gone through deployments, we've gone through moves, we've been through it all. And let me tell you from experience, marriage just isn't always that easy dream that we imagine on our wedding days. Life is going to throw us obstacles that you have to work through together as a couple. Over time those little imperfections that you once found cute and endearing may start to wear on your nerves. Kids enter the picture, relationships change. But that doesn't mean that your marriage has to become any less happy than it was the day you said 'I do'. It simply means that you have to work a little harder. You have to remember that your husband isn't going to be perfect, things aren't always going to be amazing and easy and that marriage is worth holding onto. You have to understand what the reality of marriage is and let go of illusions of perfections.

If you need help getting back to those newlywed days, or perhaps you're a newlywed who wants to start your marriage off right, this is a book worth checking out. You can read more reviews here. It is available to purchase now.


  1. I know some people who start liking someone, and say they will "change him." As soon as I hear that, I'm thinking oh oh. This sounds like a good book, it does seem more often the woman is the one to try to change the man rather than the other way around!

  2. This book sounds amazing! I think we live in such a world of perfection that as soon as something in our marriages/relationships wane we want to give up or get so frustrated that we forget what its all about in the first place!! Can't wait to read this!!


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