Thursday, March 17, 2016

Moms- Take Care of YOU with Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers #LiveHealthyChoice #ad

Okay, moms let's be honest... how many of us really take care of us?

How many of us have had a shower alone in the last week?
How many of us have not gotten nearly enough sleep, up all night taking care of little ones?
How many of us haven't managed to get out of their sweat pants all week?
How many of us are in desperate need of a haircut or dye job?
How many of us have forgotten to eat at least once in the past week?

Did you find yourself nodding and relating to at least one of you? If so, this post is for you! Because today we're talking about taking care of YOU! Of course, this is a topic we could go on and on about so let's narrow it down a little bit, shall we? Let's talk about how we eat!

As moms, we try to make sure our kids eat well, right? We provide them with good for them meals that are delicious and nutritious. We want them to pick up those healthy eating habits to carry throughout their life...but I have to admit, I'm one of those moms who will get so busy taking care of the kids that I'll forget to eat lunch for several hours.

We can try to teach our kids to eat well until we're blue in the face, but if we're not leading by example it won't matter. Kids learn better by watching! We need to truly set an example that they can follow themselves. If we take care of ourselves, they will learn to take care of themselves too. They will see us eating well, and want to eat well. Not only are we setting good examples for our children, but when we eat well, we feel better. We are better able to keep up with and truly be there for our children without being run down all the time.

But even knowing all this, we still find ourselves falling into the trap. If you've ever attempted to cook a well balanced meal while having a cranky tired pulling on your shirt, you know its not always an easy task! So...what's a mom to do?

Thankfully, the Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers have come to my rescue!

I know what you're thinking...a microwave meal? Really? Aren't those all bland? And taste frozen? Not to mention...aren't they full of preservatives and unhealthy ingredients? But Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers are different than others on the market. First and foremost, it's the only major brand in the frozen meal section that is able to call 100% of its products 'healthy', approved by the FDA!

What sets Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers apart from the rest?

  • The Ingredients. All Healthy Choice meals are made with all real ingredients and NO preservatives! 
  • The Flavor. Because ingredients are not frozen in the sauce like other similar meals, the taste remains fresh and vibrant. Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers' feature a unique tray in tray steam cooking method that keeps food tasting fresh and keeps vegetables crisp and proteins juicy. You also add the sauce yourself allowing you to truly customize the meal to your tastes!
  • The Good Stuff. Each meals contains a mix of vitamins, nutrients and protein, making Healthy Choice Steamers a quick and convenient meal that you can feel good about eating! 

With Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers, you truly can eat healthy for your kids without sacrificing convenience. And you can have convience without sacrificing flavor. It truly is a win/win for busy moms everywhere! Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers are available in the freezer aisle at your favorite grocery stores nationwide (suggested price $3.29).

 Visit or to learn more.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. I love Healthy Choice Meals. I have not tried the Steamers but I am going to now!!

  2. I love Healthy Choice Meals. I have not tried the Steamers but I am going to now!!

  3. I love these!! I used to eat them for lunches at work!! They really are the freshest microwave meal you can get!! Super delish!

  4. I would love to try this! I have never heard of it before.

  5. I've never tried these, but they look really yummy and healthy too!

  6. we use Healthy Choice microwave dinners a lot. They really are pretty good!

  7. I've never tried these meals before but it looks so good. This would make it easier for me because I do forget to eat sometimes until I'm super starving.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24