Friday, March 18, 2016

Hope Unfolding {A Book Review}

One of my favorite things about going to Church each Sunday has to be the fellowship I receive there. Don't get me wrong, I love the worship, I love the sermons... but it's that fellowship that I cannot get enough of...that time to chat with fellow Christians and talk about our struggles and encourage one another.

I think as a mom, this is especially important. Motherhood can be tough. Don't get me wrong, I love it and wouldn't trade it for anything, but I'd be lying if I said it was always easy. There are sleepless nights, there are sick kids, there is just stress. Sometimes we truly find ourselves questioning if we're doing it right. If we are a good enough mom. Having those Christian mom friends to share in this journey and offer words of wisdom and encouragement along the way can make a huge impact.

But what if you don't have those relationships? Today I'm sharing a book that can be another great source: Hope Unfolding:

God’s love, plans, and promises for you are forever unfolding.

 I get it, Momma. I totally get it.
 Every day you wake up and try your very best. You love, give, and pour out your life for the ones who call you Momma. But no matter how much you offer, there are still days you feel as though you come up short. You worry, Am I loving these babies enough? Is this ever going to get easier? Why does it seem like I am the only one who cannot balance it all? 

Sometimes, we just need hope (and maybe a long uninterrupted nap). We need someone to help tune our hearts to the voice of the Father and to remind us that He has not forgotten about us.
In Hope Unfolding, Becky Thompson is a friend who reminds you that you aren’t alone, and that God is still writing your story. She guides you to encounter the Truth of God’s presence that not only fuels you with strength, but also a fresh confidence. And beyond gaining faith that tomorrow could be different, you find hope and purpose where you are standing today.

This book was such a breath of fresh air. I-like so many of you I'm certain- can be pretty hard on myself. I set these impossible standards of a perfect mom for myself that I just cannot live up to...and that can lead to disappointment. I need those reminders that I'm doing okay and that I am not alone in this. That is just what Hope Unfolding provided. Like a note from a friend, I was encouraged by a beautiful combination of real life stories and Biblical references.

While I truly loved this book, I do want to give a little warning up front, if you have recently suffered a miscarriage, this may be a tough one to read. It is not the main subject of the book, but the author does share her own experiences on the subject. Having been through that myself, I did have a bit of a hard time reading this part, but if you are able, I still highly encourage you give this book a try and just be aware upfront so that it doesn't come as a shock!

This truly is one of those books that I think all of us as moms need to read. It truly is like a conversation with a friend that will offer that gentle truth that we are good moms. That none of us are perfect all the time. And that through it all, God is there 100%!

Hope Unfolding is available to purchase now at your favorite Christian book retailer.

I received this book from 
Blogging for Books for this review. All thoughts are my own.


  1. Blogging for Books is great! I JUST reviewed Room For Hope, and if you get the chance, you should request that next, its was really, really, good!!! This one sounds good too, if it is available after I get my next review done, I plan to request it. Thanks for the honest review :)

  2. We can all use an extra dose of Hope. Looks like a great book.

    slehan at juno dot com

  3. "Sometimes, we just need hope (and maybe a long uninterrupted nap)" Wow is that true lol!! This sounds like just the ticket for this mama!

  4. This looks like a refreshing book for any mommy to read!

  5. This would be a nice Mother's Day gift for new Moms!

  6. This sounds like a great book to read while I get "me" time with a relaxing tea too.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24