Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I've Got My Journaling Bible...Now What? {Bible Journaling Prompts to Inspire You}

So, you've got your journaling Bible, you've got your supplies ready, you are ready to jump in and get started...But where do you begin!?

If you're ready to start your Bible journaling journey but you're just not quite sure where to start (of if you're in a rut and not sure where to go next), this post is for you. Today, I am sharing some Bible journaling prompts to help you get going!

  • Give Yourself Permission. I'll be honest, I didn't come up with this idea on my own, and I'm not entirely sure who did to give credit... but it is an idea I love. Before starting Bible journaling myself, I was really concerned that my entries would not be good enough. I knew I wasn't a great artist, and was intimidated by all of the beautiful artwork I saw across the web. That's why I fell in love with this idea of giving yourself permission to be messy, to be imperfect, to be open, honest, raw, to just be you. If you're nervous that you're Bible journaling won't be good enough, start with a permissions page and remind yourself that your journaling doesn't need to impress the world, just be genuine with God.
  • Start at the Beginning. When all else fails, Genesis is a great place to start. Pick one scene from creation, or do a fun timeline representing each day.

  • Sunday School Stories. You know those Bible stories that we all know by heart thanks to Sunday School lessons? Noah's Ark. Jonah and the Whale. Joseph and his coat of many colors. These tend to have really familiar images associated with them that we all know well, and can provide for some really fun artwork.

  • My Favorite Verse. There really is no better place to start than with a favorite verse or two. Find a verse that speaks to you and journal it. If there is an image that comes to mind, draw that. Or just use some fun word art to write the verse out.
  • My Favorite Song. I love listening to Christian music and there are always songs that stick out to me. So, I love journaling the lyrics to some of these songs. If you search, you can often find out if there is a particular scripture that the song is based on, but if there isn't, just journal it wherever seems fitting.

  • Just Paint. Feel the need to journal SOMETHING, but just don't know WHAT. I've been there, so rather than going in with a particular idea or verse, find a page and just start painting (just be mindful that it's not a page you already had plans for). You might find that as you paint and read the page, something will come to you, OR you might just find that that painting alone releases some stress that you needed to get out. You can always come back and add more to your page as you feel inspired.

  • God is... There are so many verses in the Bible that tell us who God is. Pick a favorite that best depicts who God is to you, and journal that.
  • Tell Me a Story of Jesus... There are so many great stories about Jesus aren't there? From his birth to the resurrection and everything in between. Much like the Old Testament Sunday School stories, these stories often lead to some familiar images that make for a fun journaling experience. 
  • If We Are the Body. I love 1 Corinthian 12. Such a wonderful reminder that we were all given different gifts and talents to glorify God. Consider your gifts and journal them here.
  • Sermon Notes. Bible journaling doesn't have to all be fancy artwork, it can be as simple as writing down your weekly sermon notes too. You can write them directly into your Bible during the service, or write them separately and journal your takeaway with some creativity later.

  • Daily Devotions/What I'm Reading. Are you in the middle of a great devotional, Bible study or even just a great Christian book? Translate that into your journaling too.
  • Give Thanks. There are many great verses on being thankful in the Bible, so take advantage and give thanks. Do something festive and fun during the Thanksgiving season, or just keep it simple with a list of everything you have to be thankful for.
  • Tis The Season. I LOVE Christmas, and as the holiday season approaches, journaling the birth of Christ is a great way to get us into the spirit of the Holiday and put our hearts and minds on the reason we celebrate!
  • I'm struggling with... Do you have an issue you are dealing with? Perhaps anxiety, or marriage issues, etc. Find a verse that speaks on that subject or that is relatable to you and journal it out.

  • My Prayer List. Just as there are many verses on giving thanks, there are also many verses on prayer, so consider keeping your prayer list right there in your journal. Write it directly on the pages or get craft and create a small envelope pouch to hold your prayers. I created my prayer list page using a fun chalkboard label sticker so that I can use chalk to write/erase my prayers as needed!

These are just a few of the many ways you can get started with your Bible journaling. Again, your journaling is truly a conversation between yourself and God and there is no right or wrong way to go about it. Just get started!

Are you a Bible Journaler? What other ideas do you have to give a little inspiration?


  1. What a great post! We are thrilled to see you are enjoying your journaling Bible. Thank you for these great prompts and ideas.

  2. I love this so much!! i have never read the Bible... Im not going to lie Im a bit intimidated! The wording can be a little confusing and the book is so large!! The journaling is such a great idea to understand and comprehend what Im reading and relate it to my life and my experiences. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. Love this Bible, would be so much fun putting thoughts as you learn. Thanks for this post.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24