Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church {A Book Review & Giveaway} #FCBlogger

Do you ever wonder whatever happened to just getting along?

These days, everyone has an opinion...and many are pretty convinced that their opinion is THE opinion. It's the only one that matters, the only one that is right, the only one that is tolerated. You see this when it comes to parenting issues like breastfeeding or where your little one should sleep. You see this about hot button political topics like gun control or gay marriage rights. You see it within the autism community with the battle of neurodiversity vs finding a cure. It often seems that no matter where we look, there is always a disagreement going on. Sadly, this is true even for the church. While we should stand unified, working together for Christ, there is instead division amongst us.

So, how do we move past those divisions and work together? Can it be done? This is just what Collin Hansen takes a look at in his new book Blind Spots:

Christians talk a lot about church unity. Unfortunately, however, God's people are often better known for their divisions and disagreements than for a common commitment to the gospel. At the root of this disunity are the blind spots that prevent us from seeing other points of view and reevaluating our own perspectives. 

In this provocative book, Collin Hansen challenges Christians from various "camps" to view their differences as opportunities to more effectively engage a needy world with the love of Christ. Highlighting the diversity of thought, experience, and personality that God has given to his people, this book lays the foundation for a new generation of Christians eager to cultivate a courageous, compassionate, and commissioned church.

So, why is there a division? If we are all seeking to live like Christ- how is there even room for differences? But how many times have you watched a movie or read a book with a friend and discovered your take away was completely difference? The Bible is no different. We can all read the same story and learn a million different things from it. In this book, Collin Hansen looks at three different camps of Christians: the courageous, the compassionate and the commissioned. Those all sound like words that could be used to describe Jesus, don't they? Because they do. So when we're reading our Bible stories, you might find that His courageous personality traits stand out to you, and that is what you try to model. For me, I tend to see Him as compassionate more than anything. While all three traits were lived out by Jesus, as humans, that's much harder for us. If it were easy, we wouldn't need a Savior. 

Blind Spots encourages us to take a look at these other camps and to realize that perhaps we're truly not fighting against each other in these various camps, but that the church needs all of them together. We cannot all be compassionate. We cannot all be courageous. We cannot all be commissioned. But if we can understand and respect how these differences can actually work together, we can truly have a church that wholly reflects Jesus.

This truly is a great read for all church members- from your average church goer to those in leadership. If we can all learn to look past our blind spots, what an amazing church it will be.

Blind Spots is available to purchase now at Family Christian.

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And one very lucky reader is going to win a copy of the book for themselves. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

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Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery


  1. "These days, everyone has an opinion...and many are pretty convinced that their opinion is THE opinion. It's the only one that matters, the only one that is right, the only one that is tolerated." Ohhh man are you ever right!! Its one reason why i try not to talk politics, motherhood and medical. No matter what someones feelings get hurt. I am super open to others opinions and hate to argue, but others are not always this way!! This book sounds like everyone needs to check it out ;)

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