Thursday, October 1, 2015

God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies {Blog Tour}

**Book received for review. All thoughts are my own.
Today, we have to talk about a serious subject matter...sexual abuse of children.

As parents, this is not a topic we have any desire to think about is it? We want our children to be safe. We want them to be innocent. We do not want to have to worry about them becoming victims of this horrible crime. But the reality is, this is the world we live in and unfortunately, this is something we have to discuss. We have to be aware of the dangers in the world, and while we hope that they never need to know, we have to make sure our children know what is okay and what is not...and what to do if something ever happens.

But where do we even begin? How can we teach our children these valuable lessons in a way that is age appropriate and not filling them with fear? The new book addresses just those topics. Take a look:

About the book:
God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies
 (New Growth Press, September 2015)

"God made every part of you!"

It's easy to convey the message to children that their bodies---or particular parts of their bodies---are shameful. This misconception fuels confusion, embarrassment, and secrecy, and often prevents children from recognizing or reporting sexual abuse.
God Made All of Me is a simply-told, beautifully-illustrated story to help families talk about these sensitive issues with two- to eight-year-old children. Because the private parts of our bodies are private, the home is the ideal environment where a child should learn about his or her body and how it should be treated by others.

God Made All of Me starts from the fundamental truth that God created everything and applies that truth---the doctrine of creation---to kids and their bodies. It equips parents to talk with both boys and girls about their bodies and to help them understand the difference between the appropriate and inappropriate touch of others. God Made All of Me allows families to build a first line of defense against sexual abuse in the safety of their own homes.

God Made All of Me is the first children's book written by Rid of My Disgrace authors Justin and Lindsey Holcomb. Parents of young children themselves, the Holcombs regularly counsel victims of sexual abuse and are profoundly aware of the dangers kids face. Their simple and relatable story, designed to help children protect their bodies, will be an important resource for every family with young children.

Purchase a copy:

As I said, this is not an easy to bring up with our children, but this book allows us to start the conversation in a way that is appropriate and un-intimidating. It teaches children that God made every part of them and while there is no 'bad' parts, there are those that are not meant to be shared. I love that this wording is used. If we teach our children that their private parts are something 'bad' it only adds to the shame. That's not what we want at all. It also discusses how its okay for mom or dad may help with baths or doctors may check at appointments, and how this is okay... but how even seemingly 'innocent touches' like a hug or a kiss that is not wanted or makes you uncomfortable is not. It truly helps to differentiate good and bad touches in a way that makes sense to kids.... it is open and honest, but relatable and appropriate. This is certainly a book that every parent should check out and consider adding to their library.

Learn more and read more reviews here.

What ways do you help your children learn to protect theit bodies? How can this book help?


  1. This book sounds awesome. I will have to get it for my grandchildren. There is truly a great need for books like this.

  2. Oh I just love this!! It is so true that its such a touchy topic but also one that MUST be discussed!! I am such a word fumbler that Im glad authors create books to save me ;)

  3. In my life I had a lot of chances to start writing a book, but these tries always failed, and I stayed here with my brain, full of thoughts and ideas. But hope, one day, I'll give them all to paper and will help to make it in a good way.


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