Friday, October 2, 2015

Autumn Handprint Tree: An Easy Kids Craft

Do you have a favorite part of fall? Like so many, one of my (many) favorite parts about this season is the beauty of the leaves! I love watching the colors change from a vibrant green to deep reds, oranges and browns! Stunning!

Today, we're celebrating this spring beauty with a super fun, super easy kids craft!

Handprint Autumn Trees Kids Craft

  • Construction Paper
  • Tissue Paper Squares
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

  1. Trace your child's hand and arm onto brown construction paper.
  2. Cut out handprint. This is your tree!
  3. Glue to another piece of construction paper.
  4. Crumple tissue paper and glue to the tree limbs (fingers) as fall leaves. Get creative with it... make it a full tree, or scatter some leaves along the bottom of your picture.

  5. Display proudly!

How easy is this!? It is great practice for little ones cutting and gluing and looks great hanging on the refrigerator too! This simple craft is perfect for home, homeschool or Sunday School too (consider adding a fitting Bible verse, if desired!)

What other creative ways do you celebrate the beauty of fall with your children?


  1. Love that they tree is their hand!! How fun!! We love to do leaf tracking and leaf "stained glass"!! So fun!!

  2. I love tissue paper crafts and this tree is so cute! Super affordable too. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  3. This is just too fun and what a great and affordable craft to make. Thank you for sharing with us.

  4. This is really cute! I love hand print crafts.

  5. This is soooo cute! I think I am out of issue paper right now but I bet the same thing could be done in the sprind with green and pink tissue paper making leaves and flowers! Thanks for the idea!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24