Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Finley Grace, 2 Years.

Today, Miss Finley Grace is celebrating her SECOND birthday!
Where oh where has the time gone?
It seems like we only just welcomed her into our family, and now here she is...full blown toddler- learning, growing and exploring! Here is just a bit of what Miss Finley is up to as a 2 year old!

  • At two years old, Finley's vocabulary is quite extensive. She repeats everything, has a word list a mile long and can even communicate in simple 2-4 words sentences. 
  • She can answer yes or no questions, follow directions and has opinions on just about everything!
  • She has already begun to show an interest in using the potty. She will tell me after she has gone, sits on the potty and has even gone a bit once or twice. Still, we're not pushing the issue...this mama is not quite ready yet!
  • She is learning her colors and knows many- pink, yellow, purple, green and blue.
  • Her favorite color is blue, which she calls, 'Let It Go.' She loves pink too.
  • She has absolutely zero interest in the alphabet, but enjoys counting...completely out of order, of course!
  • She is slowly learning her animal sounds. She has cat and dog down!
  • Her favorite food is cottage cheese. Or gluten free pizza.
  • She loves to play pretend. She loves dressing up as a princess, putting on fancy shoes and jewelry. She loves to play 'mommy' to her baby dolls and she loves to cook in her play kitchen. She is ALWAYS pretending.
  • She loves to take care of people, especially her big brother. It is incredible to me to watch her caring nature already.
  • She's very encouraging and often speaks like a little teacher. "What's this, mommy? That's RIGHT! It's a ball!"
  • She loves Frozen, Minnie Mouse, Sophia the First, Disney Princesses and Veggie Tales.
  • She loves to color...sometimes on herself!
  • As sweet as she usually is, she can have a bit of a rotten streak. She will scream when big brother comes close to her, just to get him in trouble! Stinker!
  • She's very possessive of her mama, and will wiggle her way in if anyone else tries to sneak in a cuddle!
  • She loves puzzles. Not putting them together, mind you, just dumping them out and tossing the pieces here and there!
  • She's very independent and loves to help.
Miss Finley is smart, caring, funny and oh so sweet! She learns something new each and every day and I love watching her grow into her own little person- a personality all her own! It's hard to believe that she could be two already, but it's hard to remember life without her!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Finley!


  1. happy birthday!! She is so cute! Time flyes by so fast! We just celebrated our youngest turning the big ONE!

  2. Omgosh is she just a doll!! And so smart!! Happy Happy birthday!!

  3. Two is such a fun and adventurous age!

  4. She's adorable! Happy belated birthday to her.

  5. Hope Finley had a great birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday Finley, love your name,, I hope you had a wonderful birthday and ate a big slice of your cake :)

  7. A precious girl, with a beautiful name!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24