Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Everything Beautiful: A Spring Craft For Kids {Free Printable} #FCBlogger

Is it just me, or does winter seem to last FOREVER? Honestly, I don't dislike winter, I truly don't. I love the holidays. I love watching the excitement on my kids' faces when they see the snow falling down, or when my son hears the great news that school has been cancelled for the day. I love cuddling up on the couch with the ones I love sipping a nice warm cup of cocoa. Yes, winter can be a pretty magical time...but still, I can only take it in small doses. So as I see the signs of spring all around us, I cannot help but be excited for the warmth that I know is on its way.

I also cannot help but be reminded of one of my absolute favorite Bible verses- Ecclesiastes 3:11.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time."

How ideal is this verse for spring? Right now, most of our areas are probably looking anything but I look out my window I see rain falling down over the piles of snow that are not yet brown and muddy. The streets are a mess, much like the cars that drive on them with the salt leftover from those snowy days. It's a muddy, messy pile of blah. But we know behind that blahness comes new life. Soon, the trees will turn green again, the flowers will bloom and the sunshine will return. Oh, how amazing is the beauty that God has created!?

To celebrate the coming of spring, I decided to have a little fun with my kiddos in this easy spring decor craft. It is a great reminder of how God can create something beautiful from the blah-ness left behind.

Want to create one yourself? Here are the super simple steps:

  1. Download and print this spring printable.

  2. Using your Perler Beads, have your little one create a fun, spring flower! (I personally love this Sunny Days set which includes two great flower design options, but you could freehand flowers using whatever pegboard you have as well.) Though we opted to go for a flower design, a butterfly would be another great spring option as well!
  3. Once your design is finished, cover with wax paper and have an adult iron until the beads melt together. Flip, cover and iron the other side. Allow to cool.
  4. Finally, glue your design onto the printable! If desired, frame, or attach to card stock and use ribbon to hang!

That's it- a super simple spring decor that looks great and is fun for kids!

Looking for more fun Christian crafts to enjoy with your little ones? Be sure to check out this Pinterest board for inspiration.

Follow Family Christian's board Classroom Ideas on Pinterest.

How do YOU celebrate spring with your little ones? Any favorite Bible verses for the season?


  1. This is such a cute idea for a little girl. And what a great day to help them memorize scripture!

  2. what a beautiful craft. gonna have to try this one with grandkids!

  3. This looks like such a simple and fun craft to do!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24