Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Finley Grace, Nine Months.

It's official, Miss Finley has moved onto the last sheet of our monthly stickers! She is nine months old! How on earth did THAT happen? Miss Finley is growing and learning more and more every single day.

  • Finley's nine month appointment is not until later in the month, so no official measurements, but I'd say she's around 20-21 pounds.
  • She is completely out of her 6-9 months clothes now, and moved up to 12 months! Such a big girl!
  • She is becoming more and more interested in food (and trying to steal everyone else's too)...I'd say her favorites are green beans, squash and apples!! But most of her 'meals' are still coming from breast milk- she's still a champion nurser!
  • She is crawling, cruising furniture and is just in general all over the place!! And into everything! In the past few days she has also starting standing without holding on for a few seconds at a time.
  • She is learning to wave and point, though at this time these are not with intent, just motions. Still, it is adorable! (Big brother did not start to point until he was much older- between 2-3 years old.)
  • She is still saying Mama often, as well as Bubba and Dada on occasion.
  • She has also recently started giving kisses, but mostly reserves them all for mommy.
  • She has a fascination with mommy's glasses and laundry. She loves watching the dryer go round and round and 'help' mommy fold. This is one fascination that I hope she will NOT outgrow!
  • Her favorite toys are still probably her dolls. She recently added several more Disney Princess dolls to her collection that she LOVES. 
  • She LOVES Frozen. Anytime she sees anything Frozen or hears the music she gets excited...so funny to see!
  • She loves her big brother more than anything...even if he pesters her endlessly at times. (It's okay, she waits until he's sleeping and then pesters him right back!)
Overall, Finley is still the sweetest, happiest baby I've ever seen and we could not have been more blessed to call her ours.We look forward to see what the next month brings!


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24