Thursday, March 20, 2014

Making Cute Kid Pictures Even Cuter with Obaby {A Review}

**Product received for review.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I absolutely, positively love taking pictures of my kiddos (especially Miss Finley, while she's still semi-cooperative about it, unlike big brother). So when OBaby offered me a download of their fun photo editing app to review, I could not wait to give it a shot.

So, what is Obaby?

It is an adorable app that allows you to add handcrafted artwork onto your photos to make those cute baby photos even cuter. Here are a few of my personal creations:

The app contains over 300 images ranging from pregnancy, through the first year and beyond. There are dates, milestones, family moments and even doodles that allow you to perfectly document all those little moments with your little one.

To create your images, you simply open the photo in the app, crop to your desired size, pick a few doodles and phrases you may like to use, add and adjust. To be honest it did take me a little bit of trial and error to figure it all out. One thing I learned while playing around is that you need to add any and every piece of artwork you think you might use before going into the final edit mode. If you get halfway through and decide to add a border, you'll have to start all over, so just be sure to give yourself plenty of options! After you get the hang of it, its actually fairly quick and simple and you can send saved photos directly to the social media of your choice!!

One thing I do wish the app offered was editing/filters within the app. I had several photos that I thought would look great in black and white, but to do so meant opening first in another app, saving and then back to Obaby. Perfectly doable, but it would be great to not have the extra step in there. Still, it's a fun app and I still love it myself!!

The basic app costs $4.99 on iTunes, with additional packs available for 99 cents. You can also purchase the Obaby+ for $14.99 which includes every current piece of artwork, as well as any future additions. If you plan to use the app a lot , the Obaby+ definitely gives you more options and keeps you from spending more on the in-app purchases over time, but for the more casual user, there are a lot of great artwork options in the basic version too.

If you'd like to see more of the fun artwork available, or download your own copy, visit the links below:

Visit the Website.
Follow on Instagram.

Disclosure: I received a free download of the app mentioned above in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts are my own.


  1. This sounds like a cute idea. We are big scrapbookers and think these would be perfect!

  2. Oh my goodness! This app is awesome!! I'm so getting this! I love the pics of your babies :) Thanks for the heads up about getting used to the app. I love the cute ideas though! Thanks so much for sharing!


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