Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Finley Grace: 5 Months

  • Our sweet little Finley Grace turned 5 months old on January 19th. (Where does the time go?)
  • Her last doctor's appointment was cancelled due to snow (or should I say the snowpocalypse?), so we don't have any official measurements, but according to our bathroom scale, she weighs right at 17 pounds (clothed). She certainly is a healthy, growing girl!
  • She just made the switch into 6-9/6-12 month clothes! Wowza!! My son- though also a healthy big baby- grew much more slowly, so this just seems crazy to me!!
  • Finley is rolling over like crazy now...you can't keep her still! It certainly makes for fun diaper changes!
  • She is a pretty quiet baby. She doesn't cry too much, babbles only when it suits her (though she certainly can babble with the best!), even her laugh is fairly quiet... but if anyone can get the big laughs from her, it's her big bubby! He gets her going like no one else. Her favorite is when he belly flops onto the bed...she thinks its hilarious!!
  • She's quite observant and seems to really pay attention to those around her. She will even mimic sounds with her tongue-or attempt to at least!
  • No teeth poking through yet, but she has certainly been working hard on them! Thanks to her teething necklace, she's been able to handle it pretty well, but there have been a few times where they've really seemed to bother her and make her restless. We've been using Camilia (a homeopathic remedy) and it helps tremendously...she loves it!
  • She is showing a great interest in food...and really has since birth- but we are waiting until she has at LEAST six months and showing all signs of readiness. For her big brother, that wasn't until 7.5 months. I'd been hoping she'd wait just as long if not longer, but I think she will be ready much sooner!
  • She's starting to show more and more interest in toys. For Christmas, she had gotten a Lion King 'Pounce n Play' that she absolutely loves!! Every day she seems to get a little bit better at grabbing the toys attached and moving them on her own. Aside from that, her favorite toy seems to be Follow Me Fiona...and she really does seem to be drawn to anything pink! She also really love music and being sung to.

Since her last update, she has experienced her first Christmas, first New Years and first major snowstorm! She has grown tremendously, and though I wish time would slow down, we are still loving watching her learn and discover each and every day! I cannot wait to see what the next month holds for her!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My daughter just turned five months on the 21st, it's so neat to see what other babies are doing similarly at this stage! Also, that verse is one of my favorites.

  3. I adore this!! She is so beautiful, and what an amazing place to be able to look back at the well documented times in her life!

  4. Such a cute picture! :) We finally got hit with our own snowpocalypse here in Kansas, 8-9 inches last night, and I can't wait to see what my baby thinks of all this white stuff!

  5. How cute they are at this age. Everything fascinates them

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net


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