Monday, July 15, 2013

34 Weeks!!!

How far along?
 34 Weeks

Baby's size: Butternut Squash (4.2-5.8 pounds)

Maternity clothes: Pretty much maternity at this point...just a few non maternity that have managed to stay in my outfit rotation!!

Best moment this week: Celebrating at my baby shower yesterday!! When I was pregnant with Shaun, we lived in California where I knew absolutely no one, so I never had the real baby shower experience- in fact my family and friends never actually saw me obviously pregnant, so I loved being able to share this experience with them this time around! Baby Finley also got some adorable gifts- lots of  great clothes and blankies!!

Matt and I with our moms at the Baby Shower!!

In non baby related moments, we also had my family reunion this had been about 13 years since we last had one, and it was great seeing all the family!! Shaun enjoyed the beach too...and Mommy even braved wearing a bikini at 34 Weeks!!

Miss anything?  Being comfortable.

Movement: Yes, though it seems its becoming- not less, but just not as constant...she seems to be taking more breaks...but she also seems to be running out of room! Ha!

Food cravings: Ice.

Food aversions: Just drinks.

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: Still having contractions, still having back pain...but nothing new or different. 

Sleep: Not going so well...I miss it!

Symptoms: Back pain. Contractions. Swelling. Heartburn. Anemia. General exhaustion. Forgetfulness. You know, pretty much all those great things that can be expected in the third trimester!!

Belly button in or out? Definitely out-ish at this point.

Looking forward to?  Scheduling another ultrasound (soon I hope). Getting the final preparations taken care of. Meeting our baby girl soon.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24