This weeks theme for 52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose is: If I were to win the lottery, 5 things I'd buy...

My husband always says that even if we were to ever win the lottery (which would of course first require buying a ticket!), I would probably refuse to spend it. Honestly, that's probably true...for the most part, I do believe I would continue being the thrifty, bargain shopper I am now. The large majority of the money would probably end up in savings to go towards building our future home. Still, there are a few things on my wishlist that I'd love to splurge on:
New Camera

I have a great camera already that I truly do love...but I've had it for nearly 5 years and an upgrade is most certainly on my want list. Currently, I have the Nikon D60. It was one of the best available at the time I bought it, but is definitely a bit dated...Right now, my upgrade choice would be the D7000 or D7100, but if I won the lottery, I might decide to upgrade to something even nicer! Regardless, it would be my first big purchase just for me!!
New Car
Nothing to crazy fact, it doesn't even have to be brand new, but at this point in time we are a one vehicle family so I'd love to change that once and for all!!
New Furniture/Home Decor
Again, one of those things that desperately needs upgraded. When my husband and I were first married we had absolutely nothing...seriously! And very little money to spend on furnishing our home, so we went to a local furniture store and purchased one of the cheapest couch/love seat sets we could find...for the past almost 7 years they have served us well, but are definitely showing their age at this point and we are dying to replace them. We have fallen in love with the Haven Sofa from Crate &'s nothing fancy to look at, but sit down in it one time and you'll understand why it's called haven! So comfy, and plenty big for family snuggles- a favorite past time in this house! I've also said in the past that if we were rich, I would love to have my house completely decorated in Pottery Barn...I love their decor, our bank account does not!!
New Cookware
I'd probably go with Rachael Ray...maybe Paula Deen...just something newer than what I have and that will last. I also desperately need good knives!
A trip to Disney.
What can I say...we love Disney!!
Like I said, the reality is I probably would not go too crazy at husband on the other hand...well, that's an entirely different post altogether!!
How about you? What would you buy if YOU won the lottery!?
Please feel free to share in the comments!
Like I said, the reality is I probably would not go too crazy at husband on the other hand...well, that's an entirely different post altogether!!
How about you? What would you buy if YOU won the lottery!?
Please feel free to share in the comments!