Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Let's Talk Giveaways {Tips & Tricks & How To Win}

I don't know about all of you, but I LOVE blog giveaways!! Not only do I love bringing them to all of you here on A Modern Day Fairy Tale, but I also love entering them myself!! They are a great way to learn about new products and give you the chance to try out things you might not have been able to otherwise. They can also be a great way to save money! Of course, a lot of it is up to luck (and being on your side), but there are many ways to increase your chances of winning! Today I wanted to share a few of those with all of you!

  • FOLLOW THE RULES!!! Being on the hosting side of things more lately, I've noticed that there is a lot of cheating going on! Some are quite intentional- entering via different e-mail addresses or claiming entries that were not completed...bloggers DO check these entries and you really won't win if you cheat. Another rule that I think may often be overlooked unintentionally is completing ALL mandatory entries. Typically, giveaways here on my blog have just two mandatory entries...I try to keep it simple and easy for those that don't have a ton of time. These mandatory entries are mandatory for a reason- typically because the sponsor requires them, and to be eligible to win you must do both (or all for those blogs that have multiple). Doing both also unlocks optional entry options as well.
  • The more entries you complete, the more likely you are to win! If you just like to casually enter giveaways here and there, mandatory entries only are great and I have had winners that did only the minimum...but if it's something you really want- take advantage of as many optional entries as possible! Personally, I try to give you a LOT of various options-following my blog in various ways, following the sponsor in various ways, leaving comments, sharing, etc... the more you complete, the more likely the odds will be in your favor. As I said, I have had winners win on mandatory entries alone, but more often than not the winning entries are a result of all those options!
  • Come back...daily! Many blogs (mine included) include optional daily entries...tweeting or sharing the giveaway, placing a vote or even just a free entry for stopping by. The more often you come back and complete the daily entries, the more likely you are to win!!
  • Check back when giveaway closes/check your e-mails! Don't forget your spam folder!!! Personally, I always e-mail the winners directly, as do many bloggers, BUT there are some who do NOT that case it is your job to check back after the giveaway ends to see if you've won and get in contact with the blogger to claim your prize. It is typically listed in the giveaway rules if this will be required, so keep that in mind! For the bloggers who do e-mail, you usually have 24-48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen...unfortunately, I have had winners who did not respond in the 48 hours and had to pass the prize along to a new winner. Great for the new winner, but not so fun for the original! If you plan to enter giveaways, be sure to check your e-mails often! (Also, note which e-mail you are entering from...if you are using Rafflecopter and signed in via Facebook, this will be the e-mail associated with your Facebook, which for many is not their primary. If this is the case, be sure to note in the comments or somewhere in the form the e-mail you'd prefer to be contacted on!) And I repeat...check your spam folders!! Personally, I've found the majority of the e-mails I've gotten from giveaways I've won myself have ended up there! Thankfully, I make a habit of going through and checking often and (to the best of my knowledge) have not missed any notifications this way. I would hate for a winner to not get their prize because they never saw the e-mail! So check your e-mails thoroughly!! And of course, make sure you respond in time!!

That's it...those are more four simple tips to help you win more giveaways! As I said, in the end it does all come down to luck, but at least using these tips, luck is more likely to be on your side! And of course, don't forget to have fun!! That's what these giveaways are all about after all, aren't they!? Now...what are you waiting for? Go enter some all these open giveaways here on my blog! Good luck!!

Do you have any more tips or tricks to improve yours odds? I'd love to hear them!


  1. Great tips! And I agree, cheating only wastes both blogger's and entrant's time so please don't do it!

  2. Good tips. There has been so many entries claimed on my blog that weren't done... makes me crazy!

  3. This is great. I started entering giveaways last year. I was lost for while and had no direction. I wish I had seen this. Thank you so much for the great tips.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24