Saturday, May 25, 2013

27 Weeks.

How far along? 27 Weeks

Baby's size: Rutabaga (1.5-2.5 pounds)

Maternity clothes: A mix. Most of my non maternity tops are starting to get shorter than I'd prefer, and pants/shorts at this point are all pretty well maternity. I still have several non maternity dresses that are working just perfectly (so long as the weather would STAY warm!). The top I'm wearing above is actually a non maternity top that I stumbled on at the thrift store for 99 cents (seriously, that whole outfit cost $5!). It's a style that is loose in the stomach area anyway and a size medium- where I'm usually an xsmall/small so it seems to work quite nicely with the belly!

Best moment this week: Our newborn cloth diapers arrived!! This means only a few *must have* items left to get (still several wants, but at least the important things are covered!) We will have to buy a lot more one size diapers of course, but these should cover her for a bit until the one size fit and we can explore what brands/styles we like for that bigger investment!! I also got extremely lucky and won an infant carseat (the BabyTrend Inertia...just the one I was wanting!)...we would have gotten a car seat free from the hospital anyway- as everyone who delivers there does, but I'm happy to be getting something better and safer than that...without breaking the bank!! Very exciting!!

You know how there are some moms who say they don't want a ton of pinks- or even purples for their baby girl? Well, I'm certainly NOT one of those moms...I think about 90% of her newborn and 0-3 wardrobe is pink or purple, so we wanted to make sure her diapers coordinated too!! (The diaper on the bottom right is a one size...for comparison!)

Miss anything?  Basically the same as last week (and the week before), just being able to get anything done without being sore and exhausted!! Also, surprisingly, up until this week, I've still been able to fairly comfortably sleep on my stomach...and now, not so much...but at 27 weeks, I'm surprised I kept it up this long!!

Movement: Still a ton!! She's active like big brother!

Food cravings: Rally's Ice Cream Cones. Pickles. Slightly frozen water...I go through a TON of water!!

Food aversions: Same- Drinks- I still cannot drink anything but water or Starbucks (decaf) frappucinos. I've managed to drink orange juice a couple times, in small amounts, but that's it. No real food aversions though. 

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: Still having more contractions, and becoming more painful at times too, but doctor still says all is looking good, so just lots of rest and water for me!!

Sleep: Still eh...definitely tired all the time, and finding it harder and harder to get comfortable at night.

Symptoms: Pain, pain...everywhere!! The past few days it's been very uncomfortable to sit without feeling like she's in my ribs...ouch! Hands and feet still swelling...particularly my right foot for some reason...but again all the tests came back just fine (including the dreaded glucose test), so rest and water (the pregnancy cure all?).

Belly button in or out? Back was kind of half in/half out for a few weeks there, but now it seems to have gone back in completely...weird.

Looking forward to?  Getting everything checked off my to do list- which is slowly but surely getting done. Finishing the nursery. Baby shower. Next ultrasound (3D maybe!?) (And in non baby news, getting to have my little man home with me for the summer, taking him to Day Out With Thomas and an upcoming visit to Illinois!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Super find on the shirt, very cute. We're getting ready to visit Illinois also in a couple of weeks.

  3. So many cute cloth diapers! I'm with you on that one, baby girl's need plenty of pink ;)


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