Saturday, April 6, 2013

20 Weeks!

Dress from Everly Grey Maternity...stay tuned for my review!

20 Weeks!!

Ah, yes...we've reached the halfway point in the pregnancy!! (And I'll tell you already I feel huge!)
So since my last weekly update at 18 weeks, not a lot has changed symptom wise. Still having contractions. Still having back pains...though I will say that has gotten worse unfortunately! We can now add having to pee ALL the time to the list...I don't recall that happening quite so early (to this extent) with the little man! Of course, I've been loading up on water to avoid contractions getting worse, so that could be a factor. My jeans officially no longer fit...even with the rubber band trick (but maternity pants still a no go too!). Oh the many joys of pregnancy! At least the outcome is worth it!!

For those who missed the big announcement, we did find out that baby is for sure a GIRL last Wednesday! We are very excited and have been getting some shopping done now that we can safely do so! I am still working on my registry though. I thought it would be much easier to make decisions once we knew, but I'm still uncertain. Same goes for the nursery! We have most of it done, but were waiting on the gender reveal to decide on a theme for the finishing details, but now that we know I'm still torn between my top two picks- cupcakes or princesses...but that's a whole separate post altogether! At least we still have some time to decide, but I'd love to get it all done sooner!

Shaun is still thrilled about having a baby sister, but is not loving that Mommy is not supposed to be lifting him too much, or that he can't jump on me. Mostly, he ignores those rules completely...we're working on it!!

19 Weeks, 3 days...little man loving on his baby sister!!


  1. congratulations on a girl!!!! That is going to be so fun for Shaun! I love the picture. You look amazing in the dress. The color is so pretty! Drinking lots of water helped reduce the contractions. I still had to take the 2nd pregnancy a lot easier though. Good luck!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24