Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gearing Up For Baby Giveaway Hop (Sign Ups Open)

In the coming months, I am super excited to bring you some wonderful reviews and giveaways! So excited in fact that I am joining in a few giveaway hops...such as this one below! I know all my expectant mommy friends will LOVE this hope! Come back in April for your chance to win an awesome prize!!



Hosted By:


"Gearing Up For Baby"

This Blog Hop giveaway is going to be items that are meant for 0-12 month olds. It's a baby hop! There are lots of options for finding a prize for this wonderful event. Your only mission is to find the perfect prize pack for your blog!

Because this is a blog hop, each blog will be responsible for securing their own prize on their own blog. Each prize must be a Minimum of $25. The Prize can be sponsored OR you can self sponsor. Each blog can have more than 1 winner, but each winner must win at least $25 in prizes. 

Joining this Blog Hop is FREE with Announcement.

When: 4/15-4/29

Who: Anybody with a blog can sign up for this one!

Sign ups close 4/8

Click here to find the HTML for the announcement post and Don't forget to add yourself to the Linky Below! You MUST post an announcement post in order to enter this hop!

You can also join the Facebook Group for our events here


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24