Such a simple verse, and one that many of us probably had memorized since before we could remember...but still, such a perfect one for this season. The egg hunts are great, the food and time with family...all wonderful. (And yes, even the Peeps are pretty amazing too.) But all of that pales in comparison to the true reason we celebrate this day...Christ dying for our sins, so that we may have eternal life. There is nothing we did to deserve this sacrifice. We are all sinners, each and every one of us...but just a parent loves their child, God loves each and every one of us. That's pretty amazing isn't it? As you go through you Easter festivities, I hope everyone will take a minute to remember just how very important this day really is and how very blessed we all are to have such an amazing God.
Happy Easter All!!
"I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross."
Such a great verse to ALWAYS remember! I hope you had a wonderful Easter :)