Wednesday, February 20, 2013

InstaLately {2/20}

I've mentioned in the past that I'm a big old school Disney Channel fan. (Okay, a big Disney Channel fan in general, but I especially love the stuff that was on when I was younger!) My favorite of all of those old shows: So Weird. So, you can imagine how proud I was when my five year old randomly announced he wanted to watch it on YouTube...of course, I said yes!! I love this kid of mine!!

Valentine's Day! Red & Pink are my two favorite colors, so of course we have to dress up in those colors for Valentine's Day! What a cute little Valentine I have...and my little Valentine too!! (At 12 weeks, 5 days!)

Another great things about Valentine's Day? The after holiday sales!
On Friday, I made my way to Target to check out the deals. Unfortunately, my husband had my debit card, and I had just $6 cash...but it was at least enough to pick up a FEW Star Wars goodies for Shaun as I'd promised him. While there, I started chatting with a lady about how great the deals were. I made the comment that it was not as much fun when your hubby had said card, but said I was just getting a few things for the little man now, and coming back that night when I had the card to hopefully grab a few more for him, and maybe a few things for myself. We talked for a few minutes longer, and then parted ways. A bit later, she walked up, handed me $20, insisting I keep it and buy the Star Wars things Shaun wanted. She said she'd hate for me to drive back and everything be sold out! I was stunned! It truly amazes me how kind people can be...all too often we hear about the bad in the world, so it's refreshing to see there are still good people in the world too. Needless to say, Shaun was also thrilled with the goodies I was able to get him!

I shared this photo in my 13 week baby update as well, but wanted to add a bit to it. On Monday, one of our local thrift stores had an amazing President's Day sale...everything in the store was 50% off! They already have great prices (cheaper than Goodwill!), so the 50% off made for some even better bargains. They don't have a huge maternity section, but I'd seen a few really cute pieces there before, so when I heard about the sale, I figured it would be a great time to go ahead and try to get a few things. I walked out with 1 pair of pants, 2 pairs of shorts and 2 tops for myself, as well as an outfit for Finley and a nursery/diaper organizer...all for just $13!! We didn't get to look for anything for Shaun...the aisles were too full! I was also a little bummed that we don't yet know baby's gender, or we could have got even MORE great deals! But still, I think we did pretty great! Anyway, in the photo above, I'm actually wearing the pants and one of the tops...the pants still have a ton of room to grow, but oh my goodness, they are comfy!! A welcome change from my pre-pregnancy, barely fitting skinny jeans!!

Another President's Day weekend sale find. Have you ever seen PB Kids stroller blankets? Or rather, felt them!? They are ridiculously soft...seriously. But they're also $40!! A bit high for one blanket. But while we were in the store this weekend, they were having their President's Day Clearance event...lots of great deals throughout the store. As I was talking to one of the cashiers about our nursery colors, she mentioned that they'd had these blankets on clearance and went to check to see if they had the chocolate brown to match our decor...they literally had one clearance blanket (of any color) left and it just happened to be the right color. It was marked down to just $12, but with our military discount, it came out just around $10...not bad for a $40 blanket!! And did I mention it's SUPER soft!?


  1. Popping over from Insta-lately. Oh, I love pottery barn kids!

  2. Wen I saw your title, I thought this was going to be a blog post about Instagram (which I have never been on even to this day). But instead I got to read about you and your kiddos and that's much better :).

  3. That stroller cover looks awesome! Super jealous of your awesome deal!

  4. That's an awesome score from PBkids! I love your star wars finds so much!
    Thanks for linking up!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24