Monday, August 6, 2012

It's Official...

I'm the mommy to a 5 year old! How on earth did that happen!? Weren't we just planning his first birthday!? Wow!! They weren't lying when they say time flies!

I have to tell you, typically I am on top of birthdays! I'll have the party decorations, menu, gifts, etc at least planned, if not bought with plenty of time to spare...but this year between my hubby's schedule (and not having the car) and not feeling well, it seemed to sneak up on me and I was completely unprepared! We made a Toys R Us trip the night before his birthday and bought the food for his party that morning!! Talk about last minute, but Shaun didn't care! He was so happy to be surrounded by friends and family (most of whom had never been to ANY of our houses before!). Plus, he got everything he could possibly have wanted: from Thomas to Angry Birds, and Mario to a Dream Lite! He even got a telescope so he can see space!! How exciting!! I think even without all the fancy decorations and homemade cake and planning...he would likely say it was his best birthday ever!!

And now it's onto Mommy's birthday in just a few short weeks...25...seriously!? When did THAT happen!?


  1. This is my first time to your blog. Your little one looks precious. I hope you feel better soon and I wish your son a belated happy birthday.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24