Friday, August 24, 2012

InstaFriday (8/24)

Though I don't use it as often as I could/should, I love Instagram! I'm really not sure why I don't use it more than I do- perhaps because I still have an old iPhone 3 and the camera is just not that great! Or maybe it's because I don't leave the house much and life has for the most part been pretty boring lately! Either way, I suppose it doesn't really matter! Here are a few pics from the last week (and a few from the week before too!)

Me yesterday on my 25th Birthday! I was excited about my new Shabby Apple scarf that had just come in the mail the day before! Isn't it gorgeous!? (I'd share the link, but unfortunately, it looks like it's no longer available!)
I wish I could say we did something super exciting, but really we did everything and nothing at all. We actually had the car all week (we are a one car/one motorcycle family...and the hubby can't always ride the motorcycle, unfortunately!) so we went everywhere we could, just to avoid being home! Plato's Closet (where I surprisingly found nothing I couldn't live without), Target, Wal-Mart...we even found this great store with super cheap used DVDs AND 'retro' gaming know like Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube and Gameboy...Shaun was in a little Shauny heaven...he already has a Wii and 3DS, but he desperately wants ALL the others as well. Overall, it wasn't an overly exciting day, but it wasn't the worst birthday I'd had either (though if you've had one birthday where you had to go to your great grandpa's funeral, and another just after your hubby'd have had to been a pretty crappy day to top that!)

Meet Pixar. He is Shaun's new friend. He jumps a lot, and Shaun likes taking him everywhere. (We even had to buckle him up!) Sure, we got a few strange look, but Shaun was happy so that's all that matters right!?
The irony is that the only Pixar movie Shaun will currently watch is Toy Story 3...Daddy forced him to watch the first 2 over the weekend, and after his initial freak out he seemed to enjoy them, but refuses to watch them again. For whatever reason, Pixar movies freak him out...but he LOVES the intro! A lot! (He can personally mimic all the lamp movements as well...super adorable, but of course he refuses if I try to record it!)

Okay, I didn't find anything at Plato's Closet on my birthday, but I did find these super cute leg warmers earlier in the week (for just $2 after my military discount! woohoo!). I have another pair of gray ones as well, they are so comfy...and cute! My husband says I'm trying to single handedly bring back the 80s. Not really, I just REALLY love my leg warmers!

These is one from last week, Shaun had me drawing these for 3 days! Yikes, my hand was sore!
But before anyone believes I have even an ounce of talent, I must admit that I cheated. Haha, I found the images online and traced from my computer! But Shaun thought it was genius!

Aren't you all so lucky to get a make up free photo of me!? Yikes! But I love the expression on Shaun's face, and I love our snuggles. After the photo was taken, he told me he farted in my picture...he's such a BOY! Never a dull moment though!

I debated sharing this one here, on an otherwise lighthearted post but one of my goals with this blog is to be honest about raising a child with Autism...and unfortunately, some days, this is that reality. While Shaun is usually a happy, fun loving, sweet little boys...meltdowns are no joke!

And that's pretty much life here lately!
life rearranged


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24