Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday & Pinterest Love ♥

Ever have those days, weeks, months where you just seem to be in a blah mood...I've been in that mood a lot lately it seems. Between the move, being sick and trying to get everything done that so desperately needs done, it takes a lot out of me! But I try to remain positive through it all, and most days I feel like I succeed, for the most part at least! So today, I am going to bust out of that blahness and to do that I'm going to link up with Jamie at This Kind Of Love once again for What I'm Loving Wednesday. It's been ages since I linked up, but there is nothing better to turn a mood around than remembering all the great things you have. So, this is what I'm loving

First and foremost, I am loving that Shaun's mood seems to be on the upswing! Thank you, God! This move has made his meltdown and aggression issues sky rocket, and frankly, it has been the most mentally and physically exhausting thing to deal with. I'd say I was on the verge of pulling my hair out, but honestly, he was literally doing the job for me. He started his new school last week and I think that is definitely helping with the transition (though it's a huge transition in itself as his new class is much different than what we were used to in California!) His meltdowns have not gone away completely, but are slowly getting less intense. It's progress, and I'll take it!!

I am also loving that the sun is shining. After dealing with rain and storms the last few days, I was more than ready for a little sunshine! I have a severe phobia of storms, so it's been a long few days! I will enjoy the sun while it lasts!!

I am loving the new Summer Thirty-One catalog that started yesterday. There are a few new prints, plus an all new purse and it's all AMAZING! Personally, I am in love with Best Tweets and Minty Chip- can't wait to own more of it!! I also had an open house over the weekend, and despite the cold and threat of rain, I'd say it turned out very well!!

I am loving that my new house is really coming along! Of course, I'm always going to be changing things around, but it feels mostly done...for now! I will post some photos in the next day or so, since this post is already going to be pretty full!!

I love this blog post by an online friend and fellow Autism mom, Terra. I meant to share
this link last month for Autism Awareness month, but time got away from me! Regardless, awareness is important beyond the month of April, so I will just share it with you now!

I LOVED the (in)RL webcast over the weekend! Did anyone else join in? The videos were just amazing, and so inspirational. I can't wait for next year's! The video below is one of my favorite parts- Sara's story, such an inspiration to choose joy regardless of your circumstances! (The video is longer, about a half hour, but completely worth it!) (By the way, the lovely Shannon featured in the video below was kind enough to pay for my registration for the event through a giveaway she had on her blog. She's the sweetest and has an awesome blog that you can find here!)

And I absolutely LOVE my Mother's Day gift-As of yesterday, I am now a new consultant for Blessings Unlimited (Dayspring's direct sales company). If you haven't heard of Blessings yet, feel free to check out my site here, you will fall in LOVE! Plus, there is an awesome sale going on- click shop and then 'sale' along the left! Great deals, perfect for Mother's Day, or stocking up on Christmas gifts;) Feel free to send me an e-mail if you have any questions about it!!

And finally, I love these Pinterest finds:

Source: via Randi on Pinterest

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!


  1. I've been considering becoming a blessings unlimited consultant myself....just haven't made a final decision yet.

    Glad that Shaun is settling in a bit more.

  2. Hello! I just found your blog and I think it's AMAZING! The pics are great and I can see that You really like what you do here! I love people with great ideas, like you!
    Your blog is inspiring! I will follow you!

  3. I am loving all the amazing things on Pinterest too! What did we do without it? My husband would say . . . laundry!

  4. Hey!!
    Thanks os much for following my blog and signing uyp for my shabby apple giveaway, YOU WON!!!! :)

    Shabby apple should be e-mailing you soon with your gift certificate!

  5. Hi Randi...I hope you are having a great weekend...just wanted to let you know that you are the winner for the Shabby Apple $100 gift credit....I'm so happy you entered so I could find your beautiful blog...Please contact me within 72 hours to claim your! Congrats ! xo
    I'm your newest fan...:)

  6. mmmm those cupcakes look divine. luckily I just made banana bread otherwise I would have to make some treats after seeing those.

  7. I just wanted to say hi and that I am your newest follower from Mom Monday blog hop! I would love a follow back.! Have a good week

  8. Hi I found you through the Mom blog Monday hop.
    What a great list of things. And congrats on the job!

    I'm now a follower :)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24