Thursday, May 26, 2011

100 Posts♥

I actually reached my 100th a few posts ago. I had planned on writing something special for the occasion, but never could think of exactly what I wanted to say. Fast forward to today, I found a note that made it clear.

As most of you reading this may know or may have guessed by now, I did not go to college. What many of you may not know, is that the decision was made at the very last minute, but let me back up a bit. I had applied to only 2 colleges- my dream school, Taylor University and my fallback, Indiana University Southeast. I was accepted to both. However, being a private Christian college, the scholarships I had would have only paid for about half, and so the cost was just too much when I had a basically full ride to IUS. So IUS it was, with a plan to go into journalism. But like I said, at the last minute those plans came to an end. I had been thinking for some time that I wasn't sure it was the right place for me. I wasn't convinced I really wanted to go into journalism, or even teaching English, my other plan, but it seemed to make most sense because I knew I wanted to write. The day of my freshman orientation, I made my final decision not to go. There is not a bit of regret about this decision, because I truly feel that I am where God wants me to be, and had I chosen that path, I might not have this amazing life I have now. (And besides, I'm still not 100% sure what I want to be when I grow up, but being a mommy is the greatest accomplishment I could ask for!)

So, back to the note...this note was written by a very wise person the summer before I was to start college, so at the point when the plan was still college. In this note, she wrote that I had a strength in me that I did not know yet (as I'm finding each and every day) and wished me the best of luck with my journalism journey, as it could be my ministry to the world. Wow, what an amazing note!

After I really started getting personal on this blog, I received a lot of amazing and positive feedback. I've been incredibly touched by some of the great comments and message from my readers. Many have said they learned something about autism, or that one of the more spiritual posts was inspiring or a good reminder for them. So perhaps, journalism wasn't meant for me, but to think that something I have written might have helped even one person is an amazing gift to me. And so in honor of my 100+ posts (and 161 readers! wow!), I just want to thank all who have been reading and especially those who've been so supportive. You're all wonderful!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."- Jeremiah 29:11


  1. Yay, congrats on reaching 100! Here's to many more. :-)

  2. Congratulations! What a wonderful milestone :-)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24