Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: A Look Back

2010: A Look Back
As the year draws to an end, I decided to join the many other bloggers out there for their year in review. 2010 has been quite the eventful year for our family- we had our ups and downs, made some great new friends, made a lot of progress with Shaun, it was a big year for us in many ways! Here are …

Monday, December 27, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday: Resolutions Edition!

Top 2 Tuesday: Resolutions Edition!
I am linking up with a wonderful blog, Undomestic Momma , for Top 2 Tuesday, and this weeks theme is: TOP TWO NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS!!! Yep, it's that time to start thinking about what I want to accomplish in the new year. Mostly I just hope to get through the year, or more specifically, the final …

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

What I'm Loving Wednesday!
What a busy few weeks it's been. And stressful. I will write more on our trip later when I have a bit more time on my hands, but for now, it's time to link up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!!! I am loving: how much Shaun loved our train trip ! It was not without it's issues- …

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet Me On Monday

I have several new followers (thanks in large part to my being features on Simply Sunshine and Daisies!) so I found 'Meet Me on Monday' here , and thought it would be a wonderful way for my new readers to get to know me a little better! 1. How do you order your steak? Not at all! I don't …

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What I'm Loving Wednesday! (My Favorite Things!)

What I'm Loving Wednesday! (My Favorite Things!)
It’s Wednesday yet again, which means I’m linking up with Jamie for ‘What I’m Loving Wednesday’! Today’s edition should really be titled ‘A Few of my Favorite Things’! (I never understood how this was considered a holiday song, but whatever!) But anyway, today as always I am loving: Vintage Pyrex I h…

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mommy's Little Helper: Christmas Sugar Cookies!

Mommy's Little Helper: Christmas Sugar Cookies!
I love the holidays: the music, the decorations and of course, the baking! I have found myself doing much more baking than usual this year. (I'm going to blame my husband for buying me a Kitchenaid for my birthday in August! But I love it and him for it!) The trouble with baking though is that …

Saturday, December 4, 2010

An Autism Mommy's Worst Nightmare: Elopement!

When anyone comes to visit my house, one of the first things you will hear me say is to be sure to lock the chain lock at all times. Perhaps to some, that sounds like paranoia, but if you have a runner like my Shaun, you understand all too well how serious this is. Shortly after moving into our new…

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I've been featured!

A little bit ago I was contacted by an awesome blogger, Liv Kit, to do an interview on her blog 'Simply Sunshine and Daisies'. She has been doing features on bloggers with less than 100 followers and I was one of the chosen, so for anyone interested in reading that interview, you can find i…

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What I'm Loving Wednesday!!

What I'm Loving Wednesday!!
It's time once again for WILW with Jamie ! I am loving that we leave to go home for the holidays in less than 2 weeks! Where does the time go!? I am super excited about this, but we could use all the prayers you could send our way for this trip- cross country train trip alone with an autistic chi…