Tuesday, April 30, 2024

How Can Women Enjoy Improved Physical and Mental Wellbeing in 2024?


In the last two centuries, the role of women in society has changed dramatically. For example, in the UK, women were given the power to vote only as recently as 1918 after the suffragette movement put sustained pressure on the government to reform its stance on women when it came to political activities.  

Today, the road to equality between men and women continues to advance. Women leaders are now common at the highest levels of major corporations, and gender now has little impact on promotional opportunities.  

However, with women now playing key roles in industry and still needing to have busy home and personal lives, there is a greater need to stay in top physical and mental health. Put simply, if you are fit and strong in mind and body, you can cope with all of life’s challenges. This article will describe some key ways in which women can enjoy improved physical and mental well-being 


Take action against pelvic problems 


Many women experience some form of pelvic problems. It is estimated that chronic forms of pelvic pain can affect between 5% and 26% of the adult female population. The underlying causes of this condition can vary. Medical conditions such as endometriosis can trigger pelvic pain and discomfort, as can trauma to the pelvic region. When pelvic pain becomes chronic, it is important to take action. If you suffer from ongoing pelvic pain, search online for sites such as pelvicrelief.co.uk 

At such sites, there is a wide range of treatments and products that can be used to effectively manage and control pelvic pain. This can allow women to live a life free of pain and discomfort, helping them to focus on career and personal aspirations and enjoy improved physical health. 


Use mindfulness apps to control stress 


Research indicates that women are more prone to high levels of stress when compared to men. In a 2016 study that was published in the Journal of Brain and Behavior, women were found to be twice as likely to suffer from severe stress and anxiety. Exposure to extended periods of stress and worry can dramatically reduce your mental well-being and can lead to the development of chronic health problems if the issues are not resolved.  

Thankfully, in 2024, there is a wide range of online mindfulness apps that can help to reduce stress levels. Mindfulness and meditation exercises can be undertaken in as little as 10 minutes, allowing them to fit easily into your daily routine. By focusing on the present and clearing your mind, you may find that your mental well-being improves, and you enjoy a more positive outlook on life. 


Tailored exercise routines 


As a brief final point, it can be highly beneficial for all women to create their own tailored fitness and exercise plans. Setting aside 30 minutes each day to undertake a range of stretching, strength-building building, and endurance exercises can boost your immune system and promote improved physical health. In addition, regular exercise has been shown to play a key role in improving mental health. It can allow you to enjoy improved sleep patterns and help the body release a range of “feel good” hormones that can boost your mood. 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24