Sunday, February 25, 2024

What Color is God’s Love? Epic Book Launch


About the Book 

Book Title: What Color is God’s Love? 

Author Name: Xochitl Dixon 

Genre: Children’s Picture Book 

Release Date: March 19, 2024 


All the colors displayed in this world that God made— 

every glorious, fabulous, beautiful shade— 

show how good God is and will always be. 

But what is the color of love? Come and see! 


In What Color is God’s Love?, a little girl and her service dog join their diverse friends through a whirlwind of adventures. As they celebrate the spectacular spectrum of colors God designed, each color invites readers to explore their God-given emotions and becomes a reminder of God’s unchanging character. 

While encouraging children to acknowledge God’s constant presence with every turn of the age, What Color is God’s Love? also empowers children, with and without disabilities, to play, work, and serve God together, by simply letting the colors of His love shine through them. 

With each turn of the page, the focus shifts to a specific color—orange, yellow, blue, green, pink, black, white, gray, brown, red, purple. Each lyrical rhyme invites readers to engage with God through empowering and faith-building truth-statements that incite worship and encourage a lifestyle of loving God and neighbors. 

What Color is God’s Love? is now available for pre-ordering wherever books are sold. 

Q&A with the Author 

11. As you wrote What Color is God’s Love?, how did the Holy Spirit challenge or change you? 


I had to face little-me when I revised the original manuscript. After I shared my vision with my editor, Bunmi Ishola, she held me to the promise I made readers. You see, I wanted to give readers what I didn’t have as a child.  


I didn’t grow up knowing Jesus. I was a lonely, latchkey kid. I was searching for belonging, identity, and love. I felt alone, afraid, angry, confused, and a lot of other feelings I didn’t understand because a lot of bad things happened to me and around me. 


So, I wanted to give readers a safe place to process emotions, in the presence of a loving God not the impossible-to-please punisher I was taught to fear as a child. 


I wanted to use colors to introduce readers to a trustworthy God they could approach with confidence, as they enjoyed being loved and loving Him by loving His beautifully diverse image-bearers. 


I wanted the magnificent colors God created, even those that are often seen in a negative light ̶ like black or gray or brown ̶ to be seen as beautiful and to affirm an unchanging truth about God that is found in the infallible God-breathed words of Scripture. 


That’s why I created the Breath Prayer Cards as a free download for readers. I want readers to open their Bibles, so they can get excited about getting to know God more! 


12. When God places What Color is God’s Love? into a reader’s hands, what do you want them to take away from their experience? 


For parents: I want kids to feel safe processing emotions in the constant presence of God, while using colors to remember biblical truth that affirms His unchanging character and His unconditional love flowing for them and through them. 


For kids: God understands us and is always with us, using all the colors He made to remind us who He is, as He fills us with love so we can love others . . . together. 



Missed Any Questions, Go Here 





About the Author 

Xochitl (So-Cheel) Dixon, contributing writer for Our Daily Bread and God Hears Her, is the author of Waiting for God: Trusting Daily in God’s Plan and Pace. She loves Jesus and people, as she crosses cultural, generational, and international lines with encouraging and sound biblical teaching. Celebrating diversity and inclusion, she advocates for disability awareness with her beautifully diverse family and her service dog, Callie. Her first children’s picture book, Different Like Me, now available in Spanish, is a 2021 ECPA Christian Book Award Children’s Book Finalist. In March 2024, Xochitl’s second picture book, What Color is God’s Love?, is releasing with WaterBrook. She connects with readers at 


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24