Saturday, December 9, 2023

Try the Holy Reads App FREE for 10 Days! {A Review} #holyreads #holyreadsapp #christianbookstagram #christianaudiobook #bookstagram #audiobook #readingapp @holyreads_app

**This is a sponsored post written for Holy Reads, all opinions are my own. 

So many books, so little time. 

Sometimes I feel like this is my life's motto. It's no secret that I love to read. A lot. And I'm a pretty quick reader at that. But as quick as a reader as I am, there are simply not enough hours in the day to read all the books that I want to read. 

For nonfiction reads, I find I'm even pickier just because again... so many books! It can be difficult to find books that I feel like are going to be for me, and I hate to spend time on a book that's not going to resonate. 

When I heard about the Holy Reads app, it seemed like a great solution for me. 

Check it out:

About Holy Reads:
Our mission is to provide summaries of bestselling Christian books in written, audio, and video formats. Access the summaries with multiple devices on the same account and use them online or offline. Personalize them with notes and even share excerpts with friends.

All our summaries are rigorously fact–checked by Christian scholars to ensure accuracy. Our goal is to strengthen you in the faith by summarizing the best of Christian publishing and making it easily accessible for your busy schedule.

I was given the chance to check out the app for myself and share my thoughts. First and foremost, I have to say that for me, this isn't going to be a replacement for actually reading books... but what I do love about it is that I can better see which books are going to be more worthwhile for me before I spend more time and/or money on them. Rather than going in blindly and deciding halfway through that the book isn't for my after all, I can better spend my time reading the books that I am more interested in. With so many great books out there, this is such a great tool. I am also in charge of my church's library, and I could definitely see this being a useful tool to help me decide which books are worth adding without having to personally read each and every one. 

I'm not a huge app user, but I found this one to be user friendly and easy to navigate, which is always a plus. While this is certainly not going to have absolutely every Christian book out there, I thought it did have a good variety with many popular books and authors covered. I also liked that there were several options on how to get your summaries. I preferred the written versions myself, but if you're more of an auditory learner, that's an option as well. There are even short videos too. 

Check out these screenshots I took as I browsed through the app for myself using C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity:

If you're looking for summaries on your favorite Christian nonfiction reads to help you choose the right books for you, this is definitely worth checking out. 

Try it first with a 10-day free trial of the app:  


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24