Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Light a Candle in the Holy Land with Sepulcher Candles #prayercandle #prayerworks #letspray #holysepulcher #holyland #light #sepulchercandles

**This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Sepulcher Candles and Frontgate. All opinions are my own. 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. - Philippians 4:6

Do you have a favorite scripture about prayer? The above is one of mine, but there are so many that I find myself going back to again and again. Prayer is such an important aspect of our lives as Christians and something that each and every one of us are capable of doing for others at any time and place. 

But what if you could really give a gift of prayer this holiday season in a bit of a more tangible way? With Sepulcher Candles, you are able to do just that. When you give them a Sepulcher Candles gift certificate, your loved ones can send in their prayers to be said and lit with a candle in the Holy Sepulcher.

Check out these most popular gifting options:

Light a Candle
With this option, you will send in a prayer request which will be printed and placed on the Stone of Anointing and a candle will be lit in your favor. Photos will be taken and sent to you via email. You can learn more here: https://www.sepulchre-candles.com/category/light-a-candle 

Day Prayer Candle 

This option is very similar to the first, but is just for seven days as opposed to once. You can learn more about this one here: https://www.sepulchre-candles.com/category/light-a-candle-for-a-week

Gift of Light
With this option, you can light a candle with your prayer request and have it returned to you in an olive wood box. This is a nice option as it gives you a beautiful keepsake from Jerusalem. You can learn more about this option here:  https://www.sepulchre-candles.com/category/give-the-gift-of-light

I was given the opportunity to Light a Candle with my own requests and share that experience with all of you. The prayers sent don't have to be anything special or eloquently written, just whatever if on your heart. I very much know how powerful our prayers can be, and knowing that there are more people out there praying for your needs too? There's something really comforting in that. I am sharing just one of my prayer requests, as my others were a little more personal, but I was sent multiple photos of each one, taken in a few different locations inside and outside the church. 

Oftentimes the holidays just mean more STUFF... and that can be quite overwhelming. I love this unique gift idea that has a little more meaning behind it. And because they'll be sent via gift certificates, it's perfect for those last-minute gifts too! 

You can learn more about Sepulcher Candles, the history and everything they have to offer here:  https://bit.ly/LightaCandleinJerusalem


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24