Friday, December 1, 2023

Give the Gift of the Gospel with The ANM Gift Catalog #nativemissions #giftingcatalog #giftcatalog #ANM #seasonofgiving #missions #giftofthegospel @nativemissions

**This is a sponsored post written on behalf of ANM, all opinions are my own. 

Christmas season is here! 

I absolutely love Christmas--- the music, the traditions, the decorations... all of it! 

Still, as much as I love the holidays, it can also be a stressful time of year too, with the true meaning of the season getting lost in the hustle and bustle of it all. While we should be focusing on the ultimate gift of Jesus, we too often find ourselves stressing over getting the perfect holiday pictures, making it to all the events and finding the perfect gift to put under the tree. So, how can we be sure to keep Christ at the center of our holiday?

What if, this Christmas, we give the gift of the Gospel? 

The ANM Gift Catalog is a beautiful way to do just that. The ANM Gift Catalog is NOT your typical gift catalog. Rather than being filled with the latest and greatest of toys and electronics, the Gift Catalog contains more than 20 gifts that have an eternal impact, delivering the love of Jesus in a practical way. You can give a new Christian their very first Bible, provide a child with the first pair of shoes that truly fit, supply livestock and years of reliable food for a family, or purchase a bicycle for a pastor who walks miles daily. What a fantastic way to share the spirit of the season! Having kids help to choose these gifts to give to others can be a great lesson for them... and perhaps a reminder that we adults need sometimes too. 

One of the things that I really appreciated about this catalog is that there is a wide variety of gifting options. For some, spending a couple hundred dollars to support a native missionary is absolutely doable. For others, not so much. There are options up to $900 to provide a community toilet and as little as $3 to give a chicken to help feed a family... with so many options in between. Each of these gifts no matter how small can make a huge impact. 

As you choose gifts, pray for hearts to be transformed, for new believers, for children, for people reading the Bible for the first time, and for missionaries delivering these gifts and the Gospel message. 

Ready to help give the gift of the gospel? Learn more here:

You can also enjoy a free coloring book download.  An Unusual Day at Grandma and Granddaddy's House tells the story of four young kids who learned about generosity through a workday at their grandparents' house, where they earned money to buy gifts from the Gift Catalog for people in need. Download yours here: 


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24