Sunday, November 26, 2023

Building Character Through Picture Books: Q&A with Terrie Hellard-Brown + Giveaway


About the Book

Book: Building Character Through Picture Books: 25 Family Devotions Based on Favorite Picture Books

Author: Terrie Hellard-Brown

Genre: Devotional

Release Date: May 27, 2023

Bring the Bible into bedtime. After reading the picture book together, families can read the short devotion, discuss compelling questions (questions for younger and older children provided), and end with prayer together as the children prepare to sleep. The book includes 25 devotions matched with 25 popular and classical picture books. Each devotion includes a section for parents to go further in the discussion or to add an activity to continue the conversation the following day.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Terrie Hellard-Brown uses her experiences as a mother of four (three on the autism spectrum), 35+ years in ministry (15 in Taiwan), and 35 years teaching to speak to the hearts of readers. She writes and speaks to empower children and adults to embrace everyday discipleship every day. She teaches workshops and writes devotional books, children’s stories, and Christian education materials.

Her podcast, Books that Spark, reviews children’s books that spark imagination, emotion, questions, and discussion leading to teachable moments with our kids.

Her blog discusses living as a disciple of Christ while discipling our children. She challenges us to step out of our comfort zones to walk by faith in obedience to Christ and to use the nooks and crannies of life to disciple our children.

More from Terrie

As an English teacher, pastor’s wife, and missionary, I LOVE books. I’ve taught every grade from pre-K to community college in my career and taught the Bible to people who didn’t know anything about the Bible or Jesus, and through it all, I’ve come back to the joy of picture books and the simplicity of sharing stories that change lives. Of course, I love teaching Shakespeare, Dickens, and C. S. Lewis, but picture books are still where my heart is. So, it was only natural that I combined my two favorite things: picture books and the Bible.

My friends affectionately call me the Picture Book Lady since I have one to offer for almost any topic, event, or purpose. This new devotional book is no different. A dear friend said one day, “You should write a devotional book based on picture books!” Who wouldn’t jump at such a fun project!?

I chose some of my favorite picture books where I found connections to Scripture, and I began to write devotions to go along with each book. I wanted to use general market books so that we can use whatever book we’re reading with our children to make spiritual connections and bring in lessons naturally in those teachable moments. That’s how Building Character Through Picture Books was born.

Author Interview

Can you share 5 random facts about you that we will not find in your bio?  

What a fun question! 

I’ve ridden on a water buffalo in the Philippines. 

Mango anything is my favorite. 

Two songs I wrote have been recorded by others.  

I love playing mah jong (without gambling), both the Chinese version and the American version. 

Our whole family, all six of us, are left-handed. 
When did you first discover you had a passion for writing? 

2nd grade in Miss Carmen’s class. She told us to write a poem, and I haven’t stopped writing since.  


What drew you to your chosen genre?  

I used to only write adult non-fiction, journalism articles, and curriculum. I also wrote songs, scripts for cantatas, and monologues for our church, but while I was at a writers conference, I felt God calling me to write for children. It was a clear turn for me. I had been learning to write picture books, but I didn’t know that this was a way God was going to lead me. I still haven’t had a picture book published, but I’ve had a few children’s stories published and have continued to write devotions for adults and children. I’m now learning how to write chapter books for children and have started my first one. As a teacher, I have always loved children and think they are amazing in the way they see the world and reason out the things that puzzle them. My first children’s story I wrote was for my oldest daughter – it’s now the basis for the chapter book I’m writing. What drew me most was my desire to encourage children (and parents), to disciple children in their walk with God, and to hopefully inspire children to embrace curiosity and wonder.   


Are you a planner or a pantser? 

I’ve been both, but I think I’m more of a planner. I tend to plan my whole year, updating as I go along. But sometimes, inspiration strikes, and I just go with it. I may have a plan, but inspiration will cause me to throw the plan out the window in a heartbeat. I don’t know that that makes me a pantser, but it does mean that my plan is a suggestion leaving room for life and God’s plan to have priority.  

Do you know the picture book Shh! We Have a Plan by Chris Haughton? I love that book. I talk about it in my book and have a devotion that goes with it. The characters in the story have a plan, but only one of them (who doesn’t have a plan) succeeds because he cares and connects. The Bible reminds us that we make lots of plans, but it’s God’s plans that prevail. I try to keep these lessons in mind. I plan, but I hold on to that plan loosely so I can hopefully follow God’s plan more fully.  

What do you hope readers will take away from the book?  

I hope this book inspires parents to grasp those teachable moments and to find ways to bring God’s truth into any situation.  

I hope children learn to love and follow God more as they think about the lessons, questions, and God’s word in each devotion.  
Where can readers follow along to see what’s coming next?  

I’m working to get everything on my website: so they can find my podcast, books, and anything else in that one place.  


Blog Stops

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 20

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, November 21

Fiction Book Lover, November 22 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, November 22

For Him and My Family, November 23

Blossoms and Blessings, November 24 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 25

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, November 26 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, November 27

Cover Lover Book Review, November 28

Lots of Helpers, November 29

A Reader’s Brain, November 30 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, November 30

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 1

Guild Master, December 2 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 3


To celebrate her tour, Terrie is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 gift card and paperback copy of book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. This is such a great book for kids. I will definitely check it out.

  2. I love reading picture books to my sons.

  3. I love this adorable cover and I've added this great book to my Amazon wishlist.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24