Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Last Mountain Christmas by Teresa Tysinger: Book Review

 *Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

Could this last mountain Christmas bring a cherished new beginning?

Chelsea Macintosh loves the holiday season, especially spending it at the cozy mountain cabin that her family has co-owned with the Reynolds family for two decades. When Owen Reynolds, her once-dearest friend and first heartbreak, unexpectedly returns for the annual festivities, she guards herself from being hurt again.

Back in Spruce Ridge for the first time in four years, Owen must finally confront the memories of his own shattered heart he endured in his favorite place. When their parents unveil plans to sell the cabin, Owen and Chelsea are thrust into planning the wedding of Chelsea’s sister and her fiancé who wish to be married at the beloved family retreat while they still can.

Amidst the rekindling of old friendships, and a flurry of Christmas merriment, a second chance at love blooms in this tale of opposites colliding and the magic of the holiday season.

This novella will also appear in Marry Christmas: 2023 Christmas Lights Collection, releasing October 26, 2023! It will include other novellas from authors Jaycee Weaver, Chautona Havig, and Cathe Swanson.

Teresa Tysinger is an author of Southern Contemporary Romance inspired by grace. She writes on the fringes of being a wife, mom, and full-time communications and public relations professional. She loves coffee, traveling, and prides herself in knowing and loving almost every genre of music. Born in Hawaii, raised in Florida, and educated in North Carolina, she now resides in Texas with her husband, daughter, and dog.

While this may have been a shorter read (a novella at around 160 pages), don't let that shorter length fool you into thinking it's not just as packed full of holiday cheer and romance as a full-length novel... it definitely had all the things that I so enjoy in a holiday romance: friends to more, a teenage crush, overcoming broken hearts, a last-minute holiday wedding to plan, a cabin to save... and of course, all the holiday memories to be made. Sounds a little bit like a Hallmark perfect romance, doesn't it? It certainly reads that way too... in the absolute best way possible! I really enjoyed Chelsea and Owen together. They had been best friends since they were children with their families being best friends as well, so there was such a great history there that I really adored. I loved their reminiscing of past holidays shared together that had me rooting for their happily ever after all that much more. I also really appreciated the touches of faith within the story, which always makes for an even better Christmas read! 

With its shorter length, it's just perfect for the busy holiday season--- without sacrificing any story! It felt complete and not at all rushed... just right for the holidays! If you're looking for a beautiful holiday love story, this is certainly one worth checking out! 


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