Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Building Character through Picture Books Epic Book Launch

 About the Author 

Book Title: Building Character through Picture Books 

Author Name: Terrie Hellard-Brown 

Genre: Devotional 

Release Date: May 27, 2023 

Bring the Bible into bedtime. After reading the picture book together, families can read the short devotion, discuss compelling questions (questions for younger and older children provided), and end with prayer together as the children prepare to sleep. The book includes 25 devotions matched with 25 popular and classical picture books. Each devotion includes a section for parents to go further in the discussion or to add an activity to continue the conversation the following day  

Book Excerpt 

For Further Thought:

1.     In this story we see some other important points: sharing can change a life. How can sharing change lives?

2.     Have you ever shared something with someone? How did they react?

3.     We also see that music is powerful—it speaks to our hearts in special ways.

4.     Do you like music? Why or why not?

5.     Do you like to use music to worship God?


Prayer for Today: Dear Jesus, show me when you want me to share something I have with someone else or do something to bless someone. I know that You have a plan. I want to be a part of what You are doing. Thank You for using people and music to bless our lives. Thank you for the people at my church and in my family who help me and bless me. In Jesus’ name, amen.



Missed Any Excerpts, Go Here 





About the Author 

Terrie Hellard-Brown uses her experiences as a mother of four (three on the autism spectrum), 35+ years in ministry (15 in Taiwan), and 35 years teaching to speak to the hearts of readers. She writes and speaks to empower children and adults to embrace everyday discipleship every day. She teaches workshops and writes devotional books, children’s stories, and Christian education materials. 

Her podcast, Books that Spark, reviews children’s books that spark imagination, emotion, questions, and discussion leading to teachable moments with our kids.  


Her blog discusses living as a disciple of Christ while discipling our children. She challenges us to step out of our comfort zones to walk by faith in obedience to Christ and to use the nooks and crannies of life to disciple our children. 


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24