*Book received for consideration. All thoughts are my own.

Annie Pederson’s happily ever after is finally within sight . . . If she can stay alive long enough to grasp it.
Law enforcement officer Annie Pederson’s life has been rocked by tragedy, but things finally seem to be heading in the right direction. Her relationship with the love of her life—who’s also the biological father of her precious daughter—has never been better, and it looks like an engagement ring is in Annie’s future. She’s also slowly building back trust with her sister, Sarah, after a separation that lasted for decades.
When a man escapes law enforcement custody and Sarah’s safety is suddenly in question, Annie’s personal and professional lives once again merge. Meanwhile, her investigation of hikers who have gone missing in the remote woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula puts her in the crosshairs of a deadly game.
Now, Annie is the one being hunted. When she discovers the terrible truth about the men who are stalking her, she realizes that she’s in for the fight of her life if she’s going to redeem the sister she once lost, build the family she dreams of, and keep all those she loves safe.
Return to the beloved town of Rock Harbor in the final installment of the Annie Pederson trilogy by bestselling suspense author Colleen Coble.

Break of Day is the third and final book in the Annie Pederson series. This is one that I would definitely not recommend reading as a standalone, as I don't feel like you'd be able to get the full enjoyment without reading in order. There is a lot of backstories that I think it crucial to events and relationships in this one. Even having read the previous books, it took me a little bit to remind myself who was who and reacquaint myself with what had happened already. (It has been a bit since the previous books, and I have memory issues.)
Colleen Coble is one of my absolute favorites, and more often than not when I sit down with one of her books, I can pretty much kiss productivity goodbye because I'm not able to put it down... but I have to admit I struggled with this one a little bit. There were a few reasons for this, and for the most part it had nothing to do with the story itself. In fact, it was a really great story and just as well-written as anything else I've read from Coble in the past. That said, it did seem like the premise behind the story feels a bit darker than I'm used to from her. Combine this with having just come from reading much more lighthearted reads and my mental state not being in the greatest place when I started reading... it was a lot. I actually had to step away for a bit and read something lighter before coming back to finish. Again, this is definitely more me than the book.
Despite all that, I did really enjoy the book. It was nonstop action and suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat, and of course the bits of romance mixed in too. More than anything, I really enjoyed the message of faith and forgiveness, and watching how Sarah and Annie's relationship plays out in the end.
If you enjoy Christian suspense, this series is definitely one worth checking out.
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